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Show 1 PARK CITY WILL HOLD A GREAT CELEBRATION Bl vabor Day Obsemnce Promises H to Be a Record- H Breaker. -ptcial to The Trlbiui. S 1 5 ARK CITY, July 2S. Arrangements ;ro. being made for one ot tbc. largest 1 .obor day celobratlons In tlio history of j he State, to ba held hero on tho first Monday In . September. Tho celebration will bo under the auspices of the Park City Union No. Hi, W F. ot M and coramlttees from -this organization are already al-ready at work. Big purses will be put up for sports of all kinds and tho celebration cele-bration will be open to the wholo State. A substantial prize will be offered for a drilling match and miners from every camp in Utah will bo invited to compete. Park City Is essentially a laboring man'B town and will do everything In Its powor to make the day a grand success. Yon Moon, an aged Chinaman, who for a number of yearn has been one of this camp's characters died yostorday at his homo in Chinatown of rheumatism. He will bo burled Monday with all .tho Chinese Chi-nese rites nnd Orlontal display. After tho regular meeting ot Ontario Lodge No. 1, A. O. U, W., last evening, the members were surprlsod by the ladles of the Degroe of Honor, who walked In on them laden with good thlngn to eat. A banquet was sprend and an Impromptu musical programme was rendered. A drunken man fell through one of the large windows In the Nippon restaurant yesterday evening. Tho man was arrested, ar-rested, but paid for the window and was released. |