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Show FOUR-CORNERED FIGHT Lively Contest for Governorship With Toxas Democrats. AUSTIN, Tex., July 28. The Democratic Democrat-ic primaries wero hold throughout Toxas today. A very large vote was polled, estimated es-timated at close to 357,000 throughout tho State. In the contest for Governor thoro are four contestants. C. L. Bell, M. M. Brooks, .0. F. Colquitt and T. M. Campbell are opposng ench other. Returns Re-turns recelvod up to this hour, 8:30 p. m., indlcnte that tho contest will be very closo nnd It Is not believed any of the candidates will receive a sufficient number num-ber of votes to nomlnato and tho contest will bo fought over in convention. Returns from tho Ninth Congressional district are. sufficient to show that Congressman Con-gressman Goorgo F, Burgess has a large majority over W. W. Glass, his opponent. In tho Seventh district Congressman A. W. Gregg has defeated B. J. Blout by a safo majority. In tho Second district Congressman M. T. Brooks appears to havo a lead over former Congressman S. B. Cooper, but later returns may chango this. In tho SIxlh district T. S. Hendoraon of Milan county at this hour has a majority ma-jority over Richard Mays and Judgo Hardy, both of Navarro county, but later returns may show that ho has only a plurality, which would throw the decision to tho convention. i |