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Show EBAIi ESTATE TEANSFEBS. Changes in Salt LakoSotl Entered of" Eecord. John "W. Hall to Mary B, Stolaenberger, V4x7 rods northwest from southeast comer of lot -1, block 12, plat G. . . .8 1 William F. Colton to Jesse W. Smith, lots 21 and 22, block 1, Newport subdivision sub-division iso Charles D. Harding to Jesse W. Smith, 115x.l0 foct lot 7, blook 15, FIvo-acro plat A 800 J. IL Pauh to Vernlo Reeve, 140x33 foot lot 6, block 26, plat B. ...... . 400 Alico Falrclough to Johanna R. Streed, lots 90, 07 and 98, Liberty park.... 1500 Hubbard Investment Co. to N. K. Montgomery, lots 3-i and 07 to 41, block 1, Ilackelt'B addition fi Julius Frankel to Rosenbaum Bros., 00x44 feet southeast from 55 W feet' oast of northwost cornor lot 6, block 57, plat B 2500 J. P. Gardner to Olivia Storraer, 7x3 rods southeast from 2 rods cast of northwest cornor lot 5, block 50, Plat O 2375 L. W. Snow to Elijah Thompson, 6x2 ',4 rode northeuat from 5 rods cast of southwest corner lot 4, block 14, Pint A , 025 H. T. Goldsmith to William B. Boyd, lot 19, block 1, plat O. Hcath'o subdivision sub-division aao William B. Boyd to Jcuuio McBrido, loWO. block ,1, Heath's subdivision. 350 Glenn R. Bothwoll lo Carrie L. Ea-lingcr, Ea-lingcr, 39x144 foot lot 41, block 8, City park xjj25 Wilford Luce to Wilford Lur.o, Jr., two acres, otc section 0, township 2 south, range 1 oast ......... . 1000 Wilford Luce, Jr., to. Wilford Luco, two acres, ofc, section 0, township 2 south, range 1 onst 5 Wilford Luce to Jooonh H. Brinton, two acres, etc., section 9, township 2 south, raugo 1 cant 2208 John T, Wells to A. Fred Woy, 105x 69 fi feot southwest from northeast corner lot 5, block 02. plat B..., 100 Barlow Ferguson to J. H. Osbourno, 33x115 fcot southeast from northwost north-wost corner lot 2, block 32, plat E. . 250 Little Eddio G. & C, M. Co. to R. G. W. Railway Co,, part unction 20, township 3 Bouth, rangu 3 west . 2500 George M. Cannon to Elizabeth S. Prntt, 12x5 rods block 9, Forest Dale... 050 Julius Frankel to Rosenbaum Bros,, part lot 5, block 67, plat B. ...... . 1 Enck Pihl to A. P. Peterson, Gold Kin lodo, etc.. Big Cottonwood 20 Estnto of W. II. Coshell to Emily Whitehead, pnrt section 32, township 1 south, rango 1 west ........... 500 |