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Show SMOOT'S MONEY BAOK. Somo lime ago tho Smootito organs in the Center sralm of Zion and the ro-gions ro-gions roundabout published a regular press agent stoiy (of tlio qtialilj' that relates to tlio losn of diamonds by an actress or her being bit by a mad dog or any other fnko thing to get her name boforo the public) concerning an alleged al-leged episode in I he mnrblo room at tho capitol iu Washington in which Senator Smoot played the star part. Tho story boro upon its silly face tho evidonco of its own inaccuracy; but for want of specific proof Tho Tribune did not contradict con-tradict it. Tho yarn ran to tho following follow-ing effoct: That a party of noted women wom-en cnllod upon Senator Proctor at tho Scnalo and urged liiin to throw Smoot of Utah out of his seat. Tho distinguished distin-guished "Vermont gonlloman listened complacently and asked them if thoy would object lo meeting Mr. Smoot. Tho ladies wero distinctly rattled by this request and could not concentrate thom-solves thom-solves upon a united protest, and so Smoot was brought out to soo thorn. Tho ladies wore all off thoir oquipoise, but Smoot was tho calm, serene, cultured cul-tured gontleman whoso affability and dignity would adorn a court. All of tho ladies Bhook bauds with hi in, and ono of them stammerod out a request for a contribution to somo temple which tho W. C. T. U. was building. Smoot condescendingly con-descendingly gavo hia bouign approval to tho project, tolling thorn it was worthy and ho was glad to bo ablo to contribute to it; and ho pulled out a folded and propared brand new twenty-dollar twenty-dollar gold note of tho United States and presented it to tho Indies, who ro-tired ro-tired amidst a profusion of grateful blushes. Having utterly failed to even montion their mission and having only received twenty dollars for their silence, si-lence, the inferenco was that Smoot was rogarded as a high-toned gentleman gentle-man and a sido partner of the W. C. T. U. Now for tho fncts. Tho following lotter, without solicitation from Tho Tribuno, reaches this office: Biookside, Morris County, N. ,T., July 23. Editor Salt Lnko Tribuno, Salt Lake Cltv, 1'tah: My Doar Sir: In the Isnue of tho Saturday Evening Post for July 21. on.pago 8, thero Is an item headed, "Tho Sterner Sex." Whilo in oomo points this article is true. In the malu It givos a very wrong impression. The facts aro those: Two ladies of tho W. C. T. U of the District Dis-trict of Columbia waited upon Senator Proctor to secure, if possible, a contribution from him toward their new building. They did not interview him regarding the oicpulsion of Senator Smoot, neithor was that in their minds when they called upon him; novertho-lfiss novertho-lfiss ho, Proctor, did introduce them to Senator Sen-ator Smoot, and Smoot did givo them a $20 bill. They wcro rather now In tho work, and so accepted tho money; but when, tho noxt day. tho matter was brought to the attention at-tention of tho trustees (lndios of Washington), Washing-ton), it was immediately decided they could not accent nny such gift from Smoot. and desired the ladies to return it at once, which thoy did, receiving from Smoot a written receipt re-ceipt for money returned, and this receipt wo have in our possession. The1 W. C T. u desires to bo consistent, and as their organ!-rations, organ!-rations, with thousands of othor women, aro diligently laboring for tho unseating of Senator Sen-ator Smoot from tho United States Souato, thoy could not in Justice to thoinsclvos accept ac-cept n gift from this gentleman. Yours for tho right. MARGARET DYE ELLIS. Of tho S3,609,000 of population in the United StateB there are 83,608,974 j who will believo Mrs. Margarot Dyo I Ellis and who will disbelieve tho Smoot-ito Smoot-ito press agent yarn about Smoot for Mrs. Margaret Dye ElliB is tho soul of honor and tho Smoot pres3 bureau is composed, in part at least, of vagrant and venal liars. Tho apostle has, In this matter, practiced prac-ticed his usual thrift he has had tho advertising and has got his money back. If ho thought ho could salve over his insolent remarks about tho W. C. T. U. made in that vulgar speech before the Commercial club in Salt Lako City b.y giving to tho building fund of the Temperance. Union tho sum of twenty dollars he is now probably undccoivoiL The good will of thoso noblo women is not for sale, and tho favor of their organization or-ganization for Smoot and Smootism nnd all that theso things stand for cannot bo procured by any moans within tho present roach of the Mormon hierarchy. Tho good women know that Smoot. stands for polygamy; they know that two institutions in whose affairs ho hns nn influential voice Bell liquors at wholesale whole-sale and rotail; they know that ho has insulted thoir splendid Union; and thero is not water enough in his Utah lake nor money enough in his watered corporations cor-porations to wash away these offenses. |