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Show II CIH AND COUNTf EVENTATLAGOON "Employees Spend Unusually Pleasant Day at Beanti-I Beanti-I ! f nl Resort, j CHASING OF DUCKS ! IS PLEASANT FEATURE Immense Amount of Fun Is Crowded Into Few Short j , Hours. I! J?atpIoj-ee5 of Cb. oltj and county-went out to tho Lagoon yeatarday and euro j the hundreds of frionds who accompnnled 5 them an exhibition of how tho wheel of fun-making la operated. Tho number ! who Trent to tho resort to participate In I the extensive and elaborate programme whlob. vaa plannod by tho Joint building omployeea vrtA In the neighborhood of 2000, Errory person who 13 In nny Tray connected with the city and oounty building build-ing vns on hand with hla family or friends, and a Jotlior and more lively crowd could not be wanted. The majority of tho pleasure-seekers waited until evening to go out to tho scene of the fcatlvltleu, and, as far as cllmatlcol conditions were concerned, no better Quality of the produot could have been prcsentod lor such an occasion. By the time the crowd roachod the resort re-sort the aun was woll along toward Its destination In tho wost and a light breeze waa coming down from, the canyons can-yons In the neighborhood of the resort in most pleasant and Invigorating gusts. This waa a decided lmpotus to the lively time, as the relief from the oppressive conditions which prevailed In the city was too extensive to koep concealed. Beginning of tho Fun. In the afternoon at 5 o'clock tho fun began. It waa at thlB time that the 4 o'clock train from tho city the ono bearing tho largo majority of tho orowd arrived and tho long list of Bporta began. be-gan. The first of tho sports Included races of several kinds In tho lake. Boat races, swimming racos, duck racoa nnd fishing contests were hold. The fishing contest for ladles was won by Mrs. J. Davidson, who, nftor two hours of angling In tho lake, returned to the Judges' stand and reported tho enormous catch of three Ash varying In length from three-quarters of an Inch to a whole MrB. DavldBon claimed that sho had bad luck in clinging to several flsh of from six Inches to two feet In extant. The remainder of the contestants in this event "returned with one flsh eaoh. Tho prize awarded was a split bamboo fishing I Chased the Ducks. A duck-chasa proved about tho most interesting event of tho wholo affair. Four ducks were turned loose on tho pond, and two men, C. Shelcy and S. Slndar, started out to catch them. Tho two Ect out after tho ducks in a lively fashion and with good intentions, but after about ten minutes, during which the white poklns circled around their pursuers, shaking their tails and giving the men the horse-laugh In gentilno duck fashion, other means wero devised. All kinds of schemes wero used to land tho birds, but to no advantage Finally Deputy Sheriff Steel, Judge Dlchl, A. J. DaTla and a fow other notablos set out In a rowboat with a supply of salt and soon had all four ducks In a box. Some Other Events. The boat race for men was -won by C. II. Burnett, and tho ono for ladles by Mrs. B. G. PIttnoy. A 220-yard Bwlmmlng race was won by C. Sheloy, after an easy struggle with The foot-races which followod tho water wa-ter events wero of equal interest. Tho results follow: Fat men'o raco Ed Johnson. Lean men's race E. J. Kirk. Girls' race Miss B. Heath. Young men's race G. F. Bottomely. Marrlod women's race Mrs. A. E.. Fisher first, Mrs. A. Savler second, Mrs. &. Barkor third. & Tho beginning of tho ball game between be-tween tho fat men and the lean men marked the commencement of the real fun. It was the kind of game which la only seen when two teams got mixed up to light for a good prize. Tho prize for this contest, which was two enscs of Assorted beer, was backed up on tho side lines In a wheelbarrow and proved a great Impetus to faBt work on tho part of both teams. Davis Was Umpire. A. J. Davis, president of tho City Council, Coun-cil, took tho rolo of umpire, and showed hla skill In tho art of Judging balls In a most remarkablo manner. Hla eyo, It 1b claimed, waa eBpocially koon at detecting detect-ing highballs and it was strongly asserted as-serted by tho leau men, after the gamo was finished in favor of the fats, that he had gono In with tho winners upon consideration of getting In on tho highballs high-balls which stood on the Bldo lines. Tho contest waged In hot style for Ave Innings, In-nings, at the end of which tlmo tho game camo to a sudden close, with n general rush for tho cart on tho edge of the diamond. The loans and the fats divided di-vided honora when it camo to the squabble squab-ble for tho beverage. Each player, each official and each spectator appointed himself a committee of ono to hol5 dispose dis-pose of tho thlrty-Blx bottles. During tho playing much star work wa3 noticed by tho enthusiastic crowd which gathered la tho grandstand. Deserving special mention waB Councllmon Hobday and Crabtrco, who played on tho fat men's sldo. Tho bonoball game over, the Interest contored In tho danco pavilion, whero prlzo dancing took placo. The waltz was won by Miss Hazel Young and W. A. Leathern. A oal:e walk was hold and provod most amusing to tho' spectators. Thlfl was won by Miss Ethol Watson and Llslo Evans, both of whom wont through tho danco In a vory gracofiWmanner. A, J. Davis, Thomao Hobday, John Holloy and Judge 0. B. Dlehl wore the Judges In this contest. A fistic exhibition was billed to take placo in tho open botwecn Councilman M. E. Mulvoy and C V. Anderson, county custodian. Palled to Matorlaliao. To the sorrow of tho crowd, however, tho principals failed to materialize. Sov-oral Sov-oral roasons wore heard aa to why the two artists fallod to appear, but tho most logloal ono 1b that Undertaker E. G. O'Donnoll, who was to be referee, gavo n vory touching spooch In tho afternoon after-noon on tho BubJoct "Tho Uncertainty of Lifo." It la claimed rIso that tho two men knowing that Parley P. Chrlotonson was on tho grounds wont qulotly over Into the baaobull park and settled tholr grlovancoB there. Tho truth, howovor, has not beon learned. The oonctualon of tho day of tun was n contest for tho man with the largent family on tho grounds. This was taken by II. Boynon. All in all, the day waa n most hilarious ono for all, and one which will not bo forgotten aa ouch for many a long day. It will be Bomothlng for the employeea to look back to with plo&suro. |