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Show ftOING AFTER CLARK OUP. r County Horticulturists Enthused Over the Matter. V to The Trlbuno. jiDEN, July 23. An interesting j'tlng of tho horticulturists of Weber iK aJ5d.of th0 Slatc offlcors wns held Jp ebcr cI"o this afternoon, the jjose being to arrange for a fruit at the National Irrigation con- :f?iv. 0 m,01 ln BolBO on Soptombor jlthat will bring tho famous Clark ,(to Utah. VjBSident John PIngroo of tho Webor lpresided and tho distinguished vis-Ipresent vis-Ipresent wero Prosidont Judd of tho fp Doard of Horticulture, Secretary jHdward Taylor and J. D. Wadlelgh. ft'B. D. Ball, ontomologlot of tho cultural collego1 nt Logan, was also ?nt, and many fruit-growers from jr and Davis .countlos, lev tho meeting, which was vory cn-fiastlc, cn-fiastlc, President Plugreo addressed jjTii to Gov. Cutler and to Fishor v 1,10 Salt La,0 Commercial club Blon ho naked that committees be ap-from ap-from each county for the purpose jirmlng a permanent organization lu 'tato of tho hortlcultprlats. M |