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Show MUSIC A letter from Lhevlnne, the great Russian Rus-sian pianist, to his friend, Modest Alt-schulor, Alt-schulor, conductor of the Russian Sym- i phony society of New York, convoys tho interesting Information that tho existing ex-isting political ferment In Russia has aroused tho creative fever among tho Muscovite composers. Every man of prominence In tho Neo-Russlan school, 1 according to Lhevlnne, Is engaged on work 1 that has had its inspiration from recent stirring events In the Czar's emplro. Scrlablnc, Cul, Zolotaryoff and other composers for tho piano have submitted new aud important compositions to Lhe-vinue Lhe-vinue for hln American tour next season. In tho orchestral Held, Konyus, whoso "child-life" sulto mado his famo here, has placed a symphony with his publishers. publish-ers. His new violin concerto Introduced last year at a London Philharmonic by Krcislcr will have Its flrBt. American production next season by Maud Powell. Bubock and Sachnowsky, tho latter entirely en-tirely unknown here, aro completing now symphonies, which they promised Lho-vlnno Lho-vlnno would bo forwarded to Mr. Alt-schulor Alt-schulor In manuscript. Ippolkoff Ivanoff also promised to send a now suite. Announcement of tho withdrawal of Ysayo from his proposed concert tour here next season loaves Maud Powell ns the only available violinist of tho first rank In tho American concert Hold for tho entire concert season of 100G-07. To meet tho many engagements that have been proffered her, Miss Powell has postponed an offer for a third continental tour nnd will romaln in Amorlca until May 1, 1907, when she leaves for England to make a number of appearances with orchestra. Maud Powell has firmly established hor right to rank among tho few great living masters ot tho violin. Sho gave the great Tschalkowsky concerto Its first American production, under tho baton of Thcodoro Thomas, her godfather in music. Dr. Dvorak Invited hor to glvo his violin concerto its first hearing at a New York Philharmonic concert, under Anton Soldl's direction. Camllle Salnt-Sacns Salnt-Sacns requested her four years ago, In London, to play his B minor concerto under his direction. When Dr. Mux Bruch heard her play his concerto in D minor he enthusiastically assured her that sho played It moro satisfactorily than Sarnsato. During the past season Miss Powell gavo the first American production of Aronskl's beautiful concerto with tho Russian Symphony society. Sho Is under engagement now to play for the first tlmo in this country the new violin concerto con-certo of Jean Sibelius, tho rioted Finnish composer, with the Now York Philharmonic Philhar-monic socioty, under WaslllI Safonoff, next November. Sho la also under on- gagement to produco next soason, for the first time la America, the concerto of the Russian, Konyus. Miss Powell's services during 190G-07 havo been contracted for by the New York riillharmonic, the Chicago, Cincinnati Cin-cinnati and St. Paul orchestras, and many of the loading muBlcar organizations organiza-tions of the country. Ono of the largest and most fashionable fashion-able audiences of tho seasou assembled recently at Bechstelu hall, Loudon, where Mr. Loon Ilcnnay, tho young Amorlcan baritone, was vociferously applauded ap-plauded for his' masterly Interpretation of a unlquo programme made up entirely of tho compositions o Reynaldo Hahn, who himself presided at. tho piano. Mr Ronnuy has been engaged by Rudolph Aronson for a tournee In tho United States and Canada, beginning October next, and It Is hopod that musicians and muslc-lovers will have au opportunity of hearing tho artists. St. Marie's choir Is receiving tho congratulations con-gratulations of its friends on tho new To Doum written and dedicated to Its members by Wlllard Foster, n former member of tho choir. Last Sunday morning It. was heard for tho first time, and will be repeated this morning at tho 11 o'clock service. Mr. Fostor Is a brother of Miss Halllo Foster, the well-known, well-known, young contralto. Rev. Father Constantino Chauvc, la at work on another violin. A couple of years ago Father Chauvc mado an Instrument In-strument of rare lone and presented it to Prof, Pedersen. |