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Show BUSINESS AND TRADE. This city continues to show tho gratifying grati-fying activity and industrial progress that havo been manifest during tho present pres-ent Beason. An army of workmen la In tho streets, paving, oowerlng, 6ldewalk-Ing 6ldewalk-Ing nnd otherwise bettering tho publlo thoroughfares, udornlng the city and adding add-ing to Its sanitary ndvantagefl. Never beforo did tho city tako such pronounced stenB in progress toward fulfilling Its dostlny as tho great city of tho mountain regions. General business Is excellent; collections aro good, monoy in plenty; the demand for labor was never so great as now, nnd no man or woman wanting work nocds to lack It. Railroad work, building oporntlons, public Improvements, all aro short of labor to do or to get on with tho work In hand aB they would like. Even In tho households of the city help In not procurable ns wantod, and many of tho women In tho homes of this city who are accustomed to hire "help" aro now doing their own work, becauso of tho scarcity of household helpors. Tho Wcatern Pacific railroad track Ib laid for nearly twenty mlloa west of this city, and will ho pushed forward as rapidly rap-idly aa tracklayers can be had to ad-vanco ad-vanco It. Tho Nevada Northorn road to Ely from tho old Southorn Pacific line at Toana will be completed In about a month. It Is hoped that It will not bo very much longer than that beforo tho Western Pacific track will bo Inld to tho Northern Nevada's track, and when It Is, direct communication with Ely by rail will havo boon established. Tho develop- niont of that camp, In which Salt Lake people havo such an overwhelming Interest, Inter-est, promises to bo ono of the great activities ac-tivities and sources of production in this whole Western country. Not many years will bo required to mako of Ely, Cherry Crook, and that neighborhood a center of mining activity that will not be second to oven Butto and Anaconda. From all parts of this Stato come accounts ac-counts of record crops. Grain Is bettor In quality and far greater In quantity than nny average year. Tho Tribuno hears of ono man in Cache county who hns six hundred acres of "dry bench" wheat which will yield forty bushols to tho acre. This has, In fact, been an unusually un-usually favorable year for dry farming. Tho flprlng was Into nnd cool, with an abundant fall of rain. At the same timo tho farmn that required Irrigation havo a water supply far above thnt which 1b usual. The ranges also aro In excellent form, bo that tho sheep and tho cattlo aro thriving almost beyond precedent. The real estate market In this city Is strong, with good snlcs reported right along. The fact 1b everywhere conceded that Investment In real estate In thlB city Is as safo aa money ,ln the bank. Salt Lake Is bound to bo one of tho great cities of tho country, nud realty here I must without quentlon advanco far beyond be-yond Its prceeut prices, and correspond to tho high rates of realty elsewhere. Building operations hore aro exceedingly exceed-ingly active, and thoy bid fair to continue con-tinue late In the eoason. Theso cover all forms of structures, from the Inrge ofllco and business block to tho pretentious preten-tious dwolllng and the modest cottage. Building matorial at tho same time 1b higher than usual, and It costs more than ever beforo to build hero. The activity In building, therefore, Is tho strongest pob-alblo pob-alblo proof of the urgency with which the new Btruotureo aro demanded. Tho old dwellings continue occupied also, while the now are In domand even beforo their completion, all of which prove6 that tho city Is growing rapidly In population, aa tho financial and mining reports show It to be growing In wealth and commercial Importance. Tho mines of the Stato continue their rich output; tho returns assuring that the valuation of their product thlB year will bo woll over 530,000,000. The mines arc worked conservatively and the ore bodies are deep and lasting, which facte glvo Utah mlnoB tho highest standing In financial and Investing circles. The snickers of the valley aro taking caro of this ore In first-class Btylo, and tho jjreat reduction planta nt Garfield, on the woBt of tho valley, will materially add to tho Bmoltlng capacity hero, bo that we shall bo able to tako caro not only of the product of Utah'a mines, but of ores from Nevada or anywhere elso that there may bo occasion. This Is already al-ready ono of tho great Bmoltlng contora of tho world, and Its lmportanco Is dally Increasing. In tho country at large, trade, industry, and crop reports aro uniformly favorable The pessimistic reports that oame early In tho season from the crop centers arei hoard no longer, and It Is conceded now on all hand3 that all the main cropB will show a yield well up to the very highest record. Cattlo and hogs In the Chicago market are at the highest price of the year, showing that tho sensational assaults as-saults upon tho meat-packing Industry had no lasting effect. The half-year compilations of tho business busi-ness operations of tho first six months of the present year establish tho fact that tho first half of 1906 was the most prosperous six months' period In the Nation's Na-tion's history and It 1b fully expected that tho second half-year will also bo a record-maker that will eclipse tho record rec-ord of the first half-yoar. Building operations are heavy all over the country, and would bo even greator If the cost of labor and materials had not so strongly advanced nn to cause the abandonment of a number of bulldne plans. Railroad earnings In July thus far are 8.6 per cent above those of the corresponding period last year. Foreign commerce in New York shows a gain for $1,589,518 n Imports. Business failures of the week averago about as last year. Operators on Wall street are calnlnc cormdenco with tho success shown In holding down tho wild speculative element ele-ment and the public Is taking large quautltins of good Investment Btocks. The upward tendency continues and everv business Indication proves Hip strength of tho financial, Industrial, aud trade Hit. uatlon throughout tho wholo of th, United States, 1 ln' |