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Show BOYS' BAND CONCERT Unique Entertainment to Be Given at Tabornaclo Tuesday Evening. Thoro is every promise of a big attendance at-tendance ut the first public concert of tho famous Boys' band of Salt Lake, which will bo givou in the Tabernacle next Tuesday evening. The band will bo assisted by Miss Millie Williams, tho talented child soprano; Miss Sarah Porkcs, juvenile elocutionist: Master Charles Kent and Prof. Stephens's ju-venilo ju-venilo chorus; an aggregation of local talent that should call out overv citizen of Salt Lako that may find it at all convenient and practicable to attend this concert. Tho Boys' band, it will be remembered, remem-bered, mado an immense hit at Denvor, upon tho occasion of the Elks' convention, conven-tion, and, in fact, astonished Salt Lake people by tho wonderful proficiency displayed. dis-played. All doors and wlndowB of the Tabernacle Taber-nacle will be wide open during tho entire en-tire evening', thus rendering the building build-ing cool and comfortable The tickets will bo taken at the gates. |