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Show i Open Air for Young Consumptives. Under the auspices of the Alland 1 Institution for Consumptives an Inter-i Inter-i estlng experiment was made at Vienna I durlug the summer In open-air treatment treat-ment for young children infected with 'tuberculosis. Forty-eight little patients pa-tients whose ages ranged between four and 13 years were treated for live months with very gratifying results. At the end of this time 40 chlldien weie sent homo apparently quite cured, six showed very slight traces of the disease and only two were In about the same condition as when they enteied, while their general health wus better. These Inst eight cases had already reaphed a serious stage when the treatment began. All the children had gained In weight from two to 18 pounds. The cxpcilmcnt will be continued con-tinued with moro patients next year. |