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Show Golden Wedding. SMITHFIKDD April 2, 1009!-A 1009!-A cry pleasant evening took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thornley on March 20, 1807, that date being their golden wedding. The house '.Vas beautifully decorated with llowers. The company was called to order at 5 p. m by Robert K. Thornley who, In u short speech, welcomed those who hud come to pay their respects to his father and mother and hoped that every one would feel at home, after which they were seated around the tables. These were tastefully decorated decor-ated and loaded with all the good things of the earth, which none know how to prepare better than does this happy pair. Seventy-five sat down to supper and did justice, to the good things set before them. Brother and Sister Thornley have ten living children, eight boys and two girls, and they will average six feet high; there are twenty-eight grandchildren. They received many congratulations and many useful and costly presents. After supper the evening was spent In speeches, singing and old-time talks by old-time friends and neighbors of this esteemed couple. They have passed through many hardships and trials Incident to early life In the settling set-tling of this country, they being of those who came to Cache valley In 1850. They are hale and hearty and well respected by the community in which they have' lived the past forty years. Among those present were Virgil Merrill, th'e only man now alive of tho first settlers of Smlthlield, and many were the stories told by these old people peo-ple which were Interesting' tbriot a few. Relatives from Salt LakeMClty, Provo, Evanston and Honeyvllle and many old-time friends of Smjthlleld were there. Such times are long remembered. |