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Show Revolvers Made Into a Stove. A big batch of firearms, mostly revolvers re-volvers of cheap make, are not to be sold at auction or given Into tho hands of reckless persons by Municipal Munici-pal Judge Cn moron but will be put Into n crucible and cast into a stove for tho courtroom. Tho weapons nre those taken from prisoners, mostly young men, who have been captured by tho police. No revolvers taken from prisoners aro returned, re-turned, unless tho circumstances war-, war-, rant Btich notion, nnd in tho courso of a year thcro is gathered In n largo lot of guns of all style. Thero being no place to keep theso und there being nothing for which tb keep them, It has been decided to Bell them to John Montng, who has agreed to make them Into a couitroom stove. Portland Orcgonlan. |