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Show Good Idea for Street Names. Stieet names spelled nut In bright colors or figures und Imbedded In ce. ni"iit walks are one of the most recent Innovations In American city architecture. architec-ture. The plan has been tried In Kan-bus Kan-bus City on all the litrge boulevards, tho main Idea being not to dlsflguro tho stieet und houses by tho usual printed signs that nre placed on the walls of corner houses or fastened to tho lamp posts nt tho Intersections of tho streets. Tho numo of each boulevard boule-vard Is spelled out In letters from six to eight Inches high, formed with stones ubout one-hnlf Inch, square laid 'in tho -cement sidewalk, similar tu tho tile or cernmlc mosaic work which Is now so frequently seen 'In the vestibules vesti-bules of buildings. |