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Show W pi WALL PAPER 111 'I W, Ncrfhlng add. to of detract )M B i 'l;;,1 (torn the cheerfulncM of a iiHil pi room man than Wall Paper. ;jrj B fjijj TheiurnuhingiWreloem. ,V?8 jmj belli'Ji the dccoradvt effects ;(& m ;Uj but ih. Wall Pao lath $B H mh mo conssicuotu future of '.'!', H ! the room and reflect the er- )',?;' B ,rr'r' tntie Uitt ol the occupant. .'SIO B .':,';: SatStiaetory eelectiotu canl '( T' I M'j net be Btde from a limtted u'fl R , J;'; uortrncntt the bat retulu ,';.';.'. II Hr ty! reobtuaedby comptriton. fo'.J HK ( k'j; Alfred PeUPria" Wall W J;!:! Papexe for 1909 offer the :,"?,' 11 H) ;,(! vWdcst range ol choice, from ,',2'jllj I' v ;! i the cheapett that good to -ti':II ) ;i;': the beat that's made. y'M f rj!'! Samplei aubmitted and etti- '7'"U ' ?. --" 1. gl : ?. Sam 'I Bench Some One Will Get. I: 'a Piano Cheap K I Ilohbs has one in Ills window that m starts at 8200 and he takesW CI every m i day until It Is sold. We havo the K ' Hnest lino of olanos on tho market, Hft' and t lii people we don't sell are those Hjl f who don't sec us. All we ask Is a j$ chance. - IIOI5IIS MUSIC CO. I ' : I , Reductions In I GROCERIES DHI ' I ' AT I H.G.HAYBALL li MERCANTILE GO. H ' 11 Cans Utah Tomatoes $1 Oo Hi 11 cans Best Corn 100 H 11 Cans Early Juno Peas 100 H uCansStrlng'.Beans 1 00 ' 0 Cans Best Salmon 100 Hf ' 12 Cans Saponlfer Le 100 H i 12 Cans powdered Lye 100 H . ' 10 Pkgs Zest (same as Force) .... 1 00 8 Pkgs Seeded Raisins 100 H 8 Pkgs Cleaned Currants 100 J 10 PkgsWheat Berries 1 OQ :i Pkgs Best Corn Starch 2."io 3 Pkgs Gloss Starch 25c H 20 lbs Beans 100 lnibslllce 100 50 lbs Best Flour 100 H 12 lbs Lump Sugar 100 H 141bsTaploco 100 HlbsSago 100 21bs Mixed Nuts :t5o H 2 lbs Jumbo Peanuts 25c . : lbs Brazil ftuts 35c f 2 lbs Filbert Nuts 35c ' GUallonsOII 1 10 I I , - Best Grade Linoleum only $1.00 per yd. I ' Cash Only ' Hii To be lilt with a 50 lb. weight Is not Hj I ! pleasant but It Is less pleasant to get ' your upholstering dene poorly. Try the "' LOGAN SECOND HAND STORr Hj!'( they upholster couches, lounges, Par- Hj lor suites, cUv ;Otir work is guaran- HJ teed. Estimates given on application. ', Phones J 06 24 W. JstN. EL. -v ' hLhhihTb VaHHHHB IWaVaVaVaB. Landseekers' Excursion to Idaho. April 7. Excursion rates to Idaho points for thoso who wish to Investigate Investi-gate the state's agricultural resources. Thousands of acrciof land available and open for settlement In various sections. sec-tions. Tickets limited to April 17, Ask Oregon Short Line agents for rates and further particulars. iw. - - -" f'?r'jnizra. We now run hacks for tho Eagle ho, tel and from residences going to and from all trains. Bell Phono 453r, Ind Phone 212c). WILLIAMSON Si SON, Livery. South Main nished absolutely free, so that every dollar received Saturday ought to strike Mr. Baugli just .about right. The 119tl Quorum thinks so, anyway, and is now engaged en-gaged in an effort to make this TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Atk for and try onca BLUE BELL Couth Syrnp. Pile Remedy, Man'a Pain Liniment, or BLUE BELL Stomach Tableta, Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Couth, Hay Fever and Catarrh, Blood, GeneralTonic, BrithtSnnahine, Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothing Tableta for Children, Liver, Female Rctulator or Quinsy Tableta. FOR SALE BY THE CITY DRUG COMPANY. 1 Buying Gold Bricks j X Is pretty risky business because they are generally lead bricks gilded over. J S Don't be taken in by piano dealers advertising "gold brick" pianos, $600 pianos for S S19S.99 or such bargain counter offers. X S There is an old saying that "there is a sucker born every J minute. " If that is so let the other fellow be the sucker when S it comes to biting at such propositions. J I !f We offer you instruments which have estab- ' lished reputations for finest quality and durability, f If You run no risk in dealing with us as we are ready to stand behind our guarantees. g If "We Can Save Yoo Money."! I Thatcher Music (Sol 39 South Main Street. 1 |