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Show w Funeral At il Hyrum City I . ;; Mrs. Jensen Laid to Rest. . I Other Items of Interest. fl IIYIIUM1, April 2. Funeral IjH services wore held in the Stako 11 house at 1 p. in. last Mionday over ill the remains of Mrs. Myra Liljcn- fjH quist Jensen, wifo of Elmo Jensen H The speakers -were Orson M. "Wil- M son, C. F. Olscn, Z. W. Isrnclscn, N -S Bishops II. F. Liljenquist and jlH James J. Fnecr. The remains were yl shipped hero from Denver, whero 'm tho y-otinjr couplo havo been rcsid- 'lH ing since last summer, they hav- ing moved there shortly after ?j their marriage. Heart disease 11 wn's the cause of death. Her mo- ril thor, Mrs. T. X. Liljenquist beitig ;JH notified of the severe illness of hI Jltyru. hurried to Denver but ar- 3 rived too lato to sec her daughter 'il in this life. The young woman IH leaves a husband and nn infant 'fl daughter, also a host of relatives ffl and friends who mourn her early -j departure from this life. , H Mew Mail Service. H Several months ago nearly all .j the citizens of our community 'M signed a petition to the post mas- , ,H ter genrnil asking that a railway iH mail service bo established here, "M in place of the service wc now H have. C. F. Olson -has received M the following from Congressman M Joseph Howell in relation to this M matter : ,' "Dear Mr. Olsen: I have the M honor to acknowledge receipt of 'M your communication transmitting 'M a petition addressed to tho Second ,M Assistant Postmaster General. M This petition requests the estab- M lishmeut of a railway mail service )wM in lieu of the star route service .gfl now n Horded tho petitioners. M I hope you will convey to the M people of Hyrum my fullest con- "II currcuce in this movement, and IS my earnest purpose to secure the fJB servieo desired, ns soon ns possi ;ljfl ble." The Hyrum Irrigation company B is contemplating building a new H canal in tho cast part of tho city H in place of the ono now parallel- fl ing tho mill race. This, ditch' has H been very troublesome in the past, f H arid the proposed canal will H remedy the difficulty. M John L. Baxtijr has been re- kll moved fro inthe position of l'rcsi- ;H dent and Director of the Hyrum jfl Union Creamery for neglect of "S duly. Mr. Baxter has posted in 1H the window of his store tho notico v jfl he received of the action of the ?9 Board of Directors in this matter. $fl Klaiu Allen and Samuel Andcr.scn -jfl havo been appointed directors. ! Richard Eliason is preparing to ;S build a meat market on his main l9 street property. ,jfl A millinery shop will bo opened fl by tho Hyrum Mercantile com- ,jH pany in tho room ndjoining tho fjH Bank building. 49 A number of our peoplo will nt- IB tend the general conference at ' Salt Lake City. ' JI Tho Paradise Dramatic com- M jinny gnvc n show hero last week. M A gnnio of bnsebnll will be play i urn ed here Friday afternoon between lH tho Hyrum team and a team from - LI ono of tho surrounding towns, jM possibly Mlllville. ,-? |