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Show Life In Iceland. Nowhere is tho contrast between man and his surroundings so glaring an In Iceland. Hurled in snow and darkness, depihed of every comfort, living on'iancld butter and dried fish, drinking whey and milk, dressed like his servants, seeking in a llttlo boat his food, yet a cultured mind, possessing possess-ing nn Intimate knowledge not only of the hlstoiy of his own country, but of (iweco and Home; a poet fond of throwing off Viatlres, Intellectually and mot ally the equal of his European guests, considering himself your equal and lefuslng to be ordered about by a rich Englishman, owner of several squat e miles of land and hundieds of sheep, with a pedigree pedi-gree going fuither back than that of his vlsltur; a Jack of all. 'trades, a blacksmith In his smithy, boat builder, and carpenter, an artist in flllgiee work, a caner In wood, an eager read er in books, he has unlveisal education educa-tion up to the degiee to which it Is useful for a man. |