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Show hV W AntM nsolWatioirlsts Hi i ' iini rn n tu'' i Bl i wore read) o !' 'In (.ummKsloncrs Bl f on a rail; as for himself ho frit that H ' that was too good for Ilium, He also HV tnlkftl about the local papers slicking H' their noses Into something thai was Hl nono of their business and suggested Hj that the people should array them- K s"lvcs against the papers. lie severely HJ censured Samuel Oldham also. Hj Robert Hauler, of Frovtdeccc, made Hj an Impassioned address In which he H denounced the commissioners and the B "olllccscckcrs," and before ho quit left B i no doubt as to where ho stood Kw Adolph liacr, of Providence, In re Hi porting his town used strong language, H) saying that the greatest Insult ever Hi heaped upon tho county was that in Hi the action of tho commissioners in H' calling tho people together, finding K out their opinion and then ignoring H it. lie said that was deliberately put- Hj , ting people into slavery, and It was m ' anarchistic. B Peter Petersen, Ollf Cronqulst and B others spoke briefly against consoll- H elation and said their districts were H prepared to tight. H Judge Hart, of the firm of Nebeker, H i Hart & Nebeker, talked forafewmln- I utes saving ho was unprepared to of- H '. fer legal advlco at that time. Then H followed tho work of organblDg. H - Editor Gets Trimmed. Hj During a lull the editor of The Rk- H' ruBLioAN, a little Incensed at what Hjj'f he considered Bishop Winn's Intolcr- HK ant attitude, butted in with remarks j not wholly complimentary to that Hf' gentleman, and wo were promptly Hi dressed down by him, Mr, Price and a HI young man who refused to give his HI name. Wo took our medicine with as H.f good grace as possible and later had a H 1 talk with Bishop Winn that we be- H g Here was far from disagreeable to H f either. For that reason we have noth- H', Ing further to say here. Our talk at H4 the mass meeting aroused Robert Bax- H'' terto an attack on the Journal, a HIT thing that seemed a little arousing un- Hf$ der tne circumstances. Hff The meeting adjourned that the HI committee might meet with the law H : ! Arm engaged to fight Its case. H |