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Show If Notice to Printers. Notice is hereby given that scaled H proposals for printing from 5,000 to K 10,000 copies of the college catalog, K' containing about 165 pages, and 20,000 HI advertislngclrculars, containing about Hj 100 pages, will be received by the sec H( retaryof the agricultural college un- til noon April 10, 1008. H The successful bidder must furnish H bond in the amount of CO per cent of H the contract price. Specifications and H-' samples will be furnished on appllca- ; tlon. H The board of trustees reserves the H j i right to reject any or all proposals. ! J. A. IIkxki.i., Srctulary. H I: m Boost Home Industry. H And develoo a paying mine l,i Cache Hp Valley, of .hlch all stockholders are H residents. Huy shares In the Sunny- side Mining and Milling Co., just H Incorporated, for 25 cents a share. H I Shaft already'sunk 80 feet In line pros-H pros-H j pect. Send orders to K. D Miles, H Paradise, Cache County, Utah. rOsWis comIngI : H 'Ihi'.ipproaehof I ,iterw no doubt m,ikou think of anew 3 Hj l"lr of .shoes or Oxfords wlilch you want for yourself or family H j 3 All ourbprlng(ioo(NaFi In now and wo will be able to show II you a complete itorttiieiit of styles at most reasonable prices 3 . : RHAIKMUHR THAT A LL Ol'lt SHOES ARE MADE OF 3 SOLID LEATHER AND WILL GIVE SATISFACTION 3 : . 3 FOR THIS WI31.IC Wi: WILL SKLL YOU: 3 Men s 2 GO Shoer. m (limits ,ir St. 95 2 Men's .Ui0 Shoes in Oxfords ui ., .... 2.US J Men's.! 5n .mil on si sorOforts at , 2.95 Mi'(i'siC0and-f."i(i0 --MtsorO-cfoids at .. 3.U5 S Larllhwiosiioi-s or Oxfords .it I. SO Z LadleLiiOOhoe.-, or Oxfords at , 1.95 l LadlcsSUAOSIioi'sor Oxfords at ,. S.U5 5 I LadlesKUO .iiid $i oi) Shoes or Oxfords at 2.95 Hi Children'! and Mlssesil 2Ti Shoes or Oxfords sizes p to 2 95c Hi Chi 'iron's and Misses $12.') Shoes or Oxfords slcs 6 to 2 1.15 Z Children's and Misses l.-;r Shoes or Oxfords sles0to2 I.U5 m I :: lilt n Ud :r: i II 3 - OPPOSITHTIIKTABBRNACLK - I :.l.......n......w............vn:............l Itoji'.. b HHHJSUKIj5Wiiiih -. fi .3 HtntHtHtiHi HlaHiHfe AkHhbk0aHtiaHiHIHlaHtHl4HtHIHHHHH v S CACHE VALLEY'S i Great Horse Fair ! SfliHhfleld,AApriM1,1908 j At Which the Following Prizes Will be Awarded: 2 Percherong, $10 to sweepstake Stallion at any age, ?." to J J second, w, w Shires, $10 to Sweepstake Stallion at any age, $5 td second. w, 2 Belgians, $lo to Sweepstake Stallion at any age, 35 to w W second. 9 W Qlydes, $10 to Sweepstake Stallion at any age, to to second.1 w Standard Bred Stallion, $10 to Sweepstake at any 9 0 age, $5 to second. 0 Full Blood Draft Mares any age, $7.50 to tlrst, $2 CO A to second. A 0 Jacks, 5 to tlrst, ribbon to second. A 0 Jennets, 82 to tlrst, ribbon to second. A 0 Grade Draft Mares any age, Dine ribbon to first, Red Q ribbon to second. ' a Golts, foa.ed In 100(1, lliue ribbon to tlrst, Red ribbon to A second. f Bolts, foaled In 1007, Ulue ribbon to first, Red, ribbon to second. 7 a Draft Team, 12.50 to first, Ribbon to second. S Driving Team, 92.50 to first, Ribbon to second. S Single Driver, t'-'.&O to first, Ribbon to second. 5 'a Ribbons will be awarded in all the clasces and only first-class a S Prize winners will be allowed to compete for Sweepstakes 5 X-. In their respective breeds. w 2 The Fair Association extends a cordial Invitation toall horse 2 owners of Cache Valley tn Utah and Idaho,' to bring W their best animals. 0 . All Stallions will be taken care of free of charge. A .IAS. J. MB1KLE. J. C. HARNETT, C. J. PLOWMAN, Z a Committee. Z wmawmBBmBBmMmmmBmmmmaMMMammmmammBmmmmammmawMmmMmmMMWmmMaaMmmmwBmMSMMmBBmmmmMmMmimMmMMMsmmmmmm V ' HAVE YOU DECIDED v on your Spring JB Suit yet? 7 If you haven't, don't -ljWuM do it until you' have TMJq JIJIIh seen our new (showing V EtjMB ofKUPPENHEIMER fciEj Clothes for Spring. l'u'MwWmW They stand iSf qual- $$W film ity and the highest ia Wm ideal for a correct dress- Ivf f " The Houm of Kuppenho'mef Chicago 1 HOWELL BROS. NEVER UNDERSOLD. Rock Springs Coal. the new Windsor Thatcher Coal Co., Smith Ilros. old stand, 0 W. First South street, Lopan. fcaIt LaUoa l"1"t'st 1,0Pular ''ricea Hotel. Uptown ofllce, 1 hatchet 'a livery, lioth '' 'J'" ""''"f "' tho business district, capa- phones. 10; both phones at yards, si 1. .a ; orl ro ' batl" " Ki-ro-prak-tik Cfc Is the latest and most accurate way of w" 'tf?SL removlng the cause of 05 percent of all )w-". JaWS! Acute and Chronlo diseases known ithout , rA?y)ft Drug-MedlciriuorOpeiatlon. Kverv genu- ,is!Vraia7 ' Iqo Chiropractor adjusts 15Y HAND any s&HtT7i&mmr one or more (as necessary) of tho :t00 artlcu- ''A ' JwtM latlons of the skeletal frame, more cspec- li''f' tally the 52 of tho Spinal column, thereby removing pressure from impinged nerves, allowing a normal supply of Llfe-Korco to every Organ and part of tho body which constitutes health. Whatever your aliment therp Is hopn for you through Chlropractlo Consultation Consulta-tion and examination free. Dr. J. F. PETRITSCH, Chiropractor. (Graduate ol Dr. D. D. Palmer.) I '' 42 S. Main st. Dell Phono 120 Logon, Utah. I f t |