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Show Railways of Greece. According to Consular Clerk Con-Btnntlno Con-Btnntlno M. Cornfa, of Athens, tho total to-tal mileage of stenm railways In Greece Is SC5, ami their totnl capitalization capitali-zation Is ?42,2tD,209. Tho railways nro not owned by tho government, but nro built after its permission and control con-trol through the department of public works, railroad Bcctlon. Tho statu shares In pnrt of tho construction, and hence controls the passenger nnd freight rates and other details. The government participates In tho benefits bene-fits and has tho option of buying over tho roads within a specified period, while at the lapso of another period tho railways become tho property of tho state. The motlvo power of tho first railway built In Greece, and put Into operation In 1869, running from Athens to l'lrnens, n little over six miles, was changed from steam to electricity about two years ago. |