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Show ! -'" ' ' ' ' An Idler's Gratitude. "Several .groupn (if young women ami girls gave mo nn unexpected fillip of plcnsuro the other aftornoon," remarked re-marked an elderly New York ldlor. "and In a way thoy were unquestionably unquestion-ably completely Innocent of. I saw (hem In tho" Metropolitan Museum of Art, In tho central court, where they wero studying with tho keenest Interest Inter-est the models of the Parthenon and of N'otre Dnmo cathedral In Paris, and I couldn't help but think how much better they wero employed there than in Idlo strolling along Uroadway or In the shipping district Moro than that, It struck mo that there was a prospect of the dinner tnblo talk In their homes thnt night being of a moro Interesting nnd varied character than such talk usually Is. They were unconscious benefactors, as far as I am concerned, and I've simply got to express my grntltude to them." |