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Show Bonds For Waterworks Richmond Will Buy Out Irrigation Systems. RICHMOND, April 3. In this city yesterday thejvotcrs decided by a handsome hand-some majority to bond the city for $12,000 to further plans for a (40,000 water system. The vote on the bidding bid-ding question stood as follows: Yes No District No. 1 62 14 District No. 2 41 27 103 41 This gives a irajortty of 62 in favor of bonding. It Is the purpose of the city to purchases the two main Irrigation Irriga-tion systems, Rocky Ridge and Richmond Rich-mond Irrigation, and by a system of malm carry the water Into every home In the city that desires it. At the present time but 65 families out of a total of 200 families have water in their homes. It Is tho plan to run a main throug the center of the city and run laterals from that. Reservoirs already constructed will be enlarged and when all Improvements are completed com-pleted Richmond will have an abundance abund-ance of very fine water and a water system second to none. The city will pay about 118,000 for the two large ditch systems, or $300 a share. The election yesterday was an active one on the part of both opponent and advocate of boodlng;both worked hard to win. Those opposed worked as strenuously, and mustered all the strength they could. It Is quite evident evi-dent that the majority want water. Last night in the hall, the Second quorum of Elders gave a dance that was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. en-joyed. A musical program, In which Ernest Monson and company rendered vocal quartettes, Mrs. Llla Webb recited, re-cited, C. Z. Harris read and recited, and the Ballam orchestra played The Elders and their friends appreciated appre-ciated the occasion very much. A wedding supper was given at Mro. Mary Allen's Monday night In honor of Bert Brower and his bride, Mrs. Ivy Harrls-Brower, who came down from Marysvllle, Idaho, a few days ago and were married in Logan last Wednesday. The couple formerly lived here and they have many friends and relatives here who are congratulating congratu-lating them heartily on the new step. A successful surprise party we failed to mention last week was one given by tho daughters of John E. Anderson on their mother a few day ago, tho occasion occa-sion being Mrs. Anderson's birthday. Her daughtors presented her with a tine rocking chair. The evening was spent in games, talking and singing. Watermaster F. A. Hair and a gang of men began cleaning out the water ditch Monday. |