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Show I Peculiar Value I The peculiar value of DR. PRICE'S I WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD is the large amount of phosphates and iron it H contains, in an easily absorbable form, equal in nutritive value to any other article of diet a builder and restorer of tissue after muscular labbr. 'It is a food of great value to colorless girls and debilitated persons generally comes as near to a special nerve and brain food as any that exists. 288 WS YOVBS a ASMfyMH W vanitvfffyiMJhiytr to htvi if ibum SEED book, flit xU I jE$G&lb r nwMcompUtaruUtotiiccnilulpUntinivtrpubl(ihf4. ConUIni Ulpipi MB iOfffJr m C4& WkV Uhnti CempjU4 by ui i put tipaa for Um mm of pUatvt I HH ffrTs M j Fdl out ni mad thii to ui to-d.tr "J (hit ntw comflttt fuU and fjOi avM T CffltJrawn kwdlj tend to tht tdJrttt ftven bthw fovf VJ1X$y' Jj JK Compktt Cutdt nd Stni Booh t m tttj butr ad mtn wttr 4Rl BbV THE BAKTELDES SEED CO 5 !B)ffiWyiElB.,C5HL)(B)iaM!Kn). Ask Your Dealer for Bartelde's Western Seeds. IS E EDS For field and Maiden Early Potatoes Early E Spring Wheat, Field Peas, Corn and Mangles. Al- TJ f.iil.i, "trass and Clover Seed and Lawn Grass J Full Line Poultry Supplies. Inuuu.ttors, Hrondeis, Thermometers, Lice 1 Klllr, Insect Powder, and Sprav Pumps. TJ Hay, Grain, ' Salt and Potatoes. T JHOS. J, POULTER PRODUCE . CO. Q 9 I 130 N. Main Bell Phone 444, S E E D S .. I ! Wanted at Once!! : i : : S Several Four and Five Room j Houses Situated in Logan. 1 THE HANSEN REALTY COMPANY. j Over Dunbar-Robiuson's. I LOGAN, ITAH. Fences for Everything We are in the fence business. If it's a fence for your city lot, we have it Pittsburg Perfect, If it's a fence for your farm, we have it Pittsburg Perfect. If it's a fence for your poultry farm, we. have it. We have the ordinary kiud in all widths. Then we have close mesh fence for the little chicks and for a durable fence we have the Pittsburg Perfect Poultry Fence Chicken tight Bull strong. Every joint is welded by electricity. EVERTON&SONS "The Stbve Men." IH y t 'rt- t . .1 . . . IT SAVED MY lire ! WRITES ECZEMA PATIENT. Bed-ridden Sufferer CoeipletelyJCured By Use 1 of D. D. B. Extenal.Wash. 2 One of the most remarkable Eczema cures recently credited1 to the well- known D. D. D. Prescription has just 3 been recorded In Chicago. Mrs. E. Hegg, 1530 West Madison street, under date of Dec. I), 1007, writes as follows: m "I suffered three years with Weeping Weep-ing Eczema. It started with a little spot on my knee and spread fast over my whole body. I spent hundreds of dollars and went to every good doctor I heard of but kept getting worse. Nothing would stop the awful Itch and burning. "I had to stay in bed from tho middle mid-dle of May to the middle of July. Then I tried D. D. D. Prescription. This Is the 0th of December and I dm entirely free from tho terrible disease. D. D. D. saved my life. "When I began the treatment, people were afraid of me 1 looked so terrible. My husband was the only one who would take care of mc. D, D. D. stopped the Itch at once so I could sleep, which 1 had not done before. be-fore. Then I began to get better fast .itid now my skin Is clear and white, not a spoi anywhere." Just a few drops of D D. D. Prescription Pre-scription applied to the skin tilings relief nothing to swallow or drink. We vouch for D, D. I). Prescription, also the cleaning D D. L. Soap. Utter Ut-ter Urns. Drug Co. Get a bottle- todav If you have any skin disease. Begin your cure at once. ' DIRECTORY I I Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. THMh Office eerier, legal, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. Mo Commissions Commis-sions charged BRING YOUR Iron, llottlcs, Rubbers, metals, hides, beeswax, etc., to us. We pay the highest price. ' WU.i Xo Hags wanted. LOGAN JUNK CO., 140 S. Main Street. Phones Ind. 337. Bell 1C2Z. John A. Sneddon Attrney.it-Uw. Over IstNstlODSlIU Estates Probated General Law Practice Jos. Wilson &JSon Brass aid Iron FeiMkrs. (VMacblnliU. machinery repairing of all kind done: we positively manufacture the beat and cheapest swivel for hay derricks ever placed on tlie market. William Bowen Uwry and Feed StatUs. Llrery and baggage promptly attended to connections made with all trains commercial com-mercial trade solicited. First West street, Logan, Utah Ofllep. Hill 'phone 141 y. Net. " " 410 li. James T. Hammond Attorney and Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 315-310 McCornlck Hlk, Salt Lake City, Utah. FRED J. HOLTON, UTRICT ATTetNEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office at loom S3 First National Bank Hulldlng. Ilrlg-tam Ilrlg-tam City. Utah. Telephone 3f, Lock Box VF. County Officers. A. M. lsraesin. Cliro. lid. CommUslonvrs J, C. Knowtcs. CommlviUner. eorge Godfmy, Commissioner. T. II, Smith. olierllT. Joslieph Larsen, Cferk. John I Toolsen. Treasurer. Sarah Merrill, Recorder. Eugenu fctjaiil). Survejor. Martin 01en, Assessor. A, A. Law, Attorney. J. I.. McCarrev, 3upt, ot Schools. U.K. Merrill. County Physician. Niels It. Broby, Fruit Tree Inspector. Iver Nielsen. FUh and flsmo Commlsinr. Justice of the Peace Avon Samuel llankhcad RIchmond-Wm II Hill Logan Wm. Urangham, Wellsvllle-Bamucl 1'IHall Hyrum James I. Jensen Covevillc-Ellas 8 Larcn ' Providence E I Hansen Smlthflcld-Samuel Nelson. Trenton- A J Hill SSS: College John Schenk Mendou Andrew AddvrMin Paradise John McMurdle Mlllvllc James A Hovcy Olarkkton James II. Jardtne 11 tie Park.!, W, SeamoSH t OTHERS HAVE NOT QUALIFIELI) Wheeler Loraii V. Marlei Constable. Avon Abe Frtdrlckson ltlchmond O V ChrMenien Logan-George I Fames Cov ev IlkNot Quallfield Provldeicii- C M Hammond Hdel'ark-J. W.ll'erkes Smlthfleld-Wm, I'llklngton Trenoii-Not Qualified College -Lovenus Olhen Mention Joseph 11. Ilardinan Lewlston Samuel 11 Kent Newton -John Hansen Hyruui-H II MeFarlsne Benson John W Itoeso I'aradlte-Cliarlcs I'earee OTHERS HAVE ,NOT QUALIFIED. X t ... -. . WESLEY JACQUES tl vl Barber Shop H and Bath Rooms i'H Wc employ none but Experienced Jil Barbers, thus ensuring the iiia llest of Service. " IH Everything clean and Up-to-date H We solicit your patronage and 'H will do our best to j pH plcaso you. ippl BASEMENT THATCHER HANK 'H Affleck Machine H Shop. i;H Go to Alllcck's Machine Shop and pH Foundry for Iron and llrass.Castings i'l and all kinds ot machine repairs, ISO ' ' E. 1st South St. Opposlto Central 'iH mills. Wm. Allleck, Prop. ' il ! John Thomas , !H Merchant Tailor, PPJ IVLeadlng tailor of northern TJtahi call tH . at his new store, No, 70 west 1st nortb tfiH A tine lino ot Fall and Winter sample! ot 1 HH Suitings for Inspection. I FiaH Logan Utah k Palace Meat Market. M tat leading), Proes. H Prime beef, Mutton, fork. Veal. etc.. etc inH WOamoand Poultry In season. iH (0 West Center street. il iJjl John Bench Iry Ceeds fl Orocerles. and Notions .Inl S3 south main f iH H Q.W. Lindquist H Undertaker ft Easkalaer. H 'phoiie-ofllce 127 t'lLfl puone residence 38k i'tLfl Logan Steam Laundry SH 41 West 1st North, W Klrsi-ulaMt efficient work done on short ll notice i family washes a specialty) satlsfac- HsLh Uon guaranteed. Phone Ills M iaBsa Nebeker, Hart& Nebeker 1H Lawyers. - uH Cult 1 and 6 commercial block l H AIH Logan. Utah JJH ' Phone 70. p o bos &4 IH Odell Photo Studio ;,H f4JBal Faulty Greats a Specialty. ' il VFortralt enlarged In crayon, India ! Ink, pastel and water colors Main and I'rl center streets, Logan, Utah lijll U. O. M. & B. Co. l Lnmber Dealers. Cefl , wr Flooring, celling, rustic, latb, doors, flial sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts. a I M builders hardware and palntst Geo Cole. Mgr ' M M Phone 41 P O box SOS ( ! -m James C. Walters; , ATieiNEY-ATUW. H Union Block TJ North Main Street 'H H. A. Pedersen & Co. 19 IEAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COLLECTlOrtS fM Tried, True and Reliable. t'lsH Office over First National Bank. Logan, Ut trsH I'osloBlte Bon 3U. Phone 183 X , Correspondence In any Language answere lltB Mail Schedule I Looan, Utah. ; fl.OSINO ok mails t East, West, North and South fc 7:4,1 a. m and 1:50 p. m. fVfl Preston llrancli 7:0.") p. m. " Paradise Way ' 8:15 a. m. gV Benson, King (except Sunday).... JH 1:00 p.m. jjH R. F. I). No. 1, Colloga and flreen- vM vlllo" 0:30a. m. fM AltUIVAL OK MAILS. M East, West, North and South..,.. WM 8:30 a. m, and 7:50 p. m, XM East, West and South 5:30 p. m. & Preston Branch $,... 3.8:30 a. m. 9 Paradise Way C3.2M5p.ro. VM Benson and King (exc jsf junday) fM , 12:30 p. in. yM U. F. I. No. 1, College, Greenville 9 4:30 p.m. ffl General delivery and carrier win- ''jsfl dows open from 10 to 11 o'clock a. m. ifl Sundays and holidays. '"J Tho mall which arrives at 7:50 p. m. ,:! I Is worked as soon as received, thereby H allowing patrons having P. O. boxes to fl get their mall as soon as distributed. jH . JosKt'H Odkll, Postmaster )2 kH ggH,..,, mmmmmmmmmmt ISal jiSfl :' M - fcjr u yjj 7? - i isisasAssBsB |