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Show VASTNCSS HARD TO CONCEIVE. Camllle Flammarion'a Illustration of the Depths of Space. ' Taking tho earth as a starting point, wo will go In a straight lino to any I poll, of tho heavens. Wo start. At tho end of tho first second, traveling ns wo aro with tho velocity of light, vo have already gone 18C.000 miles; at tho end of the second, 372,000. Wo continue. Ten seconds a mlnuto ten minutes havo elapsed 111,000,000 mllca have been passed . . . Carried Car-ried oa without stopping by this samo rapidity of 180,000 miles each second, let us penotrato the expanse In a straight line for wholo years, 'B0 years, even a century. . . . Whcro are wo? For n long time wo havo gono beyond the last starry regions which aro seen from tho earth. No mind Is capable of following tho road passed over; thousands of millions Joined to thousands of millions express nothing noth-ing . . but wu have not advanced ad-vanced n single step In space Wo aro no nearer a limit than If wo had le-mnincd le-mnincd In tho snino place. Camlllo Flammailmi. |