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Show t? CITY AND COUNTY tt Items of Interest About JfcOl& People and Events. AJt,l$ Ve sell the Earth and Loan monny on it. II. A. Pedereen ft Co. Two milch cows for sale. William Hansen, Newton, Utah. For Sale Purebred Holsteln bull. A. O. Fisher, Richmond. wo John Martin, a progressive farmer of Preston, was seen on our streets Thursday. A grand opening ball at the 'Auditorium Saturday, Apri 14. Nathan Ricks, of Rexburg, stopped off hi Logan Thursday night. Ho went to Salt Lake city Friday. For Sale A flno lot of choice potatoes. pota-toes. Inquire Samuel Stcttlcr, corner cor-ner Fourth East Nlneth North, no Mrs- Telford, of Richmond, had a paralytic stroko last Thursday. The tody Is mothei to Miss Llllle Telford. " On Thursday, Miss Lillian Lewis ro turned to her home at liolse. She had been visiting her father, Marlon Lewis, the past week. H. M. Rawlins Jr. was in Logan Thursday as a protcstant against the recent action of the commissioners on the consolidation question. Mrs Carrie Price, of Gltnns Ferry, who has been In the city the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs. Benson, returned home Thursday. Look out for the Spring Millinery Milli-nery opening at Eliason's. Better Bet-ter lines than ever. 0 T. Woodall, proprietor of tho Idanha hotel at Soda Springs, has been the guest of his son, D. A. Wood-all Wood-all of this city. lie rctuined home Thursday. Deputy Sheriff Grlllln, ot Cache Junction, brought a man over from Trenton Thursday night charged with incendiarism. He burned a car belonging be-longing to the O. S. L. On Thursday L. C. Farr and Brig Larsen took to Salt Lake city live I hundred pounds of ore from the Mineral Min-eral Point mining claims, which will be exhibited at the business house of L. F. narr, No. 7 West Second South. The Gesscl Brick company, of this city has ordered new machinery to be added to their plant at a cost of $5,000. When Installed they will have a capacity of 10,000 dry pressed brick and 40,000 common brick per day. It Is expected that the new machinery will be Installed within thirty days I want cemetery lots, lawns and roso beds to plant, and lawns to mow. A good lawn made for $.1 50. Harry Jaraes.Ind. phone 107-1. So far as evidence was concerned no one would have suspected after a trip around the' streets, banks, railroad oftlccs'nnd business houses that April 1st came this week. There was little doing In tho Joke lino with tho possible pos-sible exception of a few of the stero-typed stero-typed chestnuts which havo done service ser-vice for many years. The brick under un-der the hat was dug up of course, and the purse with a string attached was also resurrected from its hiding place, but tho original Jokes were few and far between. The police department and sheriff's office, which are usually made the butt of tho practical Jokers on that day escaped without a single prank being played. Remember the opening ball at the Auditorium Saturday, April 4. There will be no more, legal tlshing for trout until June 15 and true sports aro hoping that there will be no Illegal catching of the speckled fin-nles, fin-nles, either. Tuesday was tl)e last day In which tlshing for game tish can be legally done in Utah water; the season sea-son was up then. "Fish," said an old timer who has been wielding a rod from ono end of the canyon to the other for years. "You ask me If there's going to be lots of trout this j ear. Well, I should say so. As far as I'm concerned I'll go ahead and catch tho limit each day, whether there's fish or not. You know there is always a gang of thess sporty Usher- I men who go up Logan canyon as far I as they can travel. They usually start I out for a day with provisions and j tacklo enough for a month's llshlng, I and with tho trout they arc able to I buy from somo kid they come back I with a sufllcldnt quantity to grease the I frying pan. Then they say tho river's i getlln' worse. There ain't no trout I In It, but jou take It straight from mo I tho trout aro always there If a guy I only knows how to got 'cm. Of courso I ho lias todo It scientifically. Yes sir, I the trout supply this season Is going I to bo as big as ever. That tip Is I straight.1' 1 r. J For Sale A stack of mixed hay. Apply to U. F. RlUr. Commissioners Knowles and Godfrey God-frey went to Salt Lake city Thursday. II. A. Pedersen held juvenile court In Brlgham yesterday. Wllllam,.Grant, of Woods Cross, was In tho city last Thursday on business. Wallace K. Uurnham, of Richmond, is very ill with lagrlppe and heart trouble. The Elk Coal Co. has bought twcUe lino work teams to be used at their coal mines In Wyoming. You can save 25 per cent on Felt Hats by buying them of Alexander Smith, 20 W. 1st North opposite tho postofllce. Mrs. F. It. Davenport, of Wood River, Oregon, daughter of G. W. Luf-kin Luf-kin of this city, gave birth to a line son on March 31. Contractor J. W. Harrott h.is let the contract for all mason work on the Buhl cshool house to II. P. Nelson Nel-son for a consideration of $12,000. Joseph Newbold, the clothier, can convince his patrons that ho has some choice bargains to offer In Men's and Boys' suits and Gents' Furnishings Just arrived an elegant line of Ladies' Suits at Eliason's. Come early and make your selections. selec-tions. Haiold Grant, an eighteen-year-old boy who out of revenge burned a car at Cornish a short time ago, was declared de-clared Insane and taken to Provo this morning. Contracts for 10,000 acres of sugar beets have been signed In this county. More contracts could be had but the companies think they havo about enough. The First National bank of Hastings, Has-tings, Nebraska, has tiled suit against Isaac Smith to recover $1,C00 said to be due on a certain promissory note dated April 18,1007. Christian Garll has Med suit, against the City of Logan to recover $3,000 damage done his mill property on South Main street as a result of tho city changing the sidewalk grade. Wanted 50 head of cavalry horses. Must all be bays in color, weight 950 to 1100 pounds, height 15 to 15 3-4 hands, ages 4 to 8 years; all saddle broken. Will be in Logan one day only, April 4, 1908, at Moses Thatcher's stables. R. .1 Armstrong, representative of the American Laundry and Bakery Machine company, was In the city Thursday. The Logan Steam Laundry Laun-dry is talking of Installing some new machinery. Dr. Petrltsch, chiropractor, has found It necessary to seek more exten- J slve quarters, so has moved his offlco from South Main to a suite of rooms 1 over the Andreas Peterson shoo store. J Dr. Petrltsch's method is the healing of diseases without drugs and the i knUe. f Edward Godfrey, son of Thomas Godfrey, of Clarkston, was returned to the hospital at Provo this morning after having been away from there threo months. He was released In the belief that his menta' condition was greatly Improved, but he lapsed. The remains of Mrs. Eliza Rudgo were burled at the Logan cetnetry Thursday evening. Funeral services were held at Paris, Idaho, a large number of relatives accompanying the remains to this city. Bishop B. G. Thatcher.of tho First ward, dedicated the grave. During the next few months thousand thous-and of tramps arc likely to pass through this valley, especially on tho west side. ''Owners of property should take special pains to protect it, this applying to store keepers, especially. Frail doors and windows will not keep some of thoso characters out. Jlurglar proof doors and windows oiler the only assurance. First-class Seed oats for sale by M. & L. Coal Co. ! Dr. E J. Merrill, osteopath, now has ofllccs over the Howell-Caidon store. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ilyrum Hayball and daughter Edith went to Salt Lake city Thursday. A freo dance for children will bo given at the Auditorium today at 3 o'clockp. m. June Wlldo closed his buslnessaHalrs with Rltor Bros, and left for Huntington, Hunting-ton, Oregon, Thursday morning. Lawrenco D, Calnc, son of John T. Calne Jr., and Booker Preston left for tho Swiss and German mission fields yesterday. Profs. Hall and Titus went to Salt Lako yesterday to attend a meeting of tho State Academy ot Science that meets thcro today. Mayor Edwards went to Salt Lako city Thursday to attend a meeting of the Stato Board of Health, called for 1 p. ra. of that day. J. A. Hondrlckson lectured at tho Provo university Thursday night, treating upon tho methods of establishing esta-blishing a business. CASH paid for eggs and poultry. Headquarters for garden, Held and grass seeds: fruit, shadoand ornamental ornament-al trees Isaac Smith & Co. South Main Details of the excursion to bo run by the Oregon Short Line and South cm Paclllu to San Francisco to allow Utah pjople an opportunity to seo tho big battleship licet now engaged in target practice at Magdalcna bay have been announced. The dale of salo for the tickets will be May 2 Passengers will be allowed live days In which to make the trip to San Francisco, and tho final return limit will bo Juno 2. Excursionists will have their choice of routes, returning, though they will have to go to San Francisco by the Southern Paclllc Returning by the' sime route, the tickets will be sold lfor$.'ll.r0 Returlng by wayofPoii- ll.-.l Il...,n ...III I. ft . nA tm.ii ln land, tickets wmi lie sold tor $14. returning re-turning by way or Los Angeles ar.d the Salt Lake, route, tickets will cost , $37 75. At the general passenger olllccsof the Oregon Short Line It was stated that IB extra Pullmans' had been ordered to accommodate the tralllo expected by tho Southern Pacific Pa-cific on this occasion. Reservations, It was stated, are already being made in laige numbers, and a record breaking break-ing excursion is expected. |