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Show a TRIDUTE TO "LIVING POEM." Efiectlve Costuming That Won Admiration Ad-miration of Writer. I met a "living poem" the other dny. Tlio "poem" was a slender woman , of about mcVllum height, possibly GO cortnlnly over CO years of nge. Her skin had a yellowish tlngo llko old Ivory, but clean and Arm, tho eyes dark brown and her hair pure white. ' , with u silvery tinge. ' She woro n long, gray, loose com . of sotno soft woolen material, finished with a shawl collar of Russian squirrel, squir-rel, and deep cuffs to match. Her Krny castor gloves and her suede stioiv ping bag were exactly of the same tone, und tho crowning point was a Olengarry bonnet of tho softrgray fur, set Jauntily, but not raklshly, on tin; pretty, fluffy sllvor hair. Tho fur was laid In folds on the brim part, but tho cap was porfectly devoid of trimming. trim-ming. In any other toilet this woman would possibly have passed unnoticed; as It was, she evoked admiration. I Just longed to try tho effect of a long stemmed, fluffy headed yellow chrysanthemum on tho front of tho coat I fancy tho combination of the soft greens, yellow and grays might have been extremely good with such a comploxlon. Exchange. |