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Show H: R For Over 60 Years GltAEFENIERG UTERINE HI J CATHOLICON has been curing Hi, I suffering women of tholr most dls- tresslng peculiar complaint. Wo oak weak and sufforlng womon to i glvo tho Cathollcon a trial. A euro will surely follow. All druggists can supply you If yours does not, write us at once. B THE GRAEFENBERG CO. Hf " Chamber St., IT. T. HH lpahlle(MluM4dioiIbfmttlM. A I THE REED Jfttfgg BJ Is a model of convenience. The , hotel otllcc, 70 x 30 feel, is the most ffj spacious and comfortable In the Hal West. Two elevators, no climbing H ' stairs, Re-furnished throughout. Jv Rooms large, light and clean. Steam if heated. Hf IfirATinil Tlircolitocksaitnf Union fl UHJMIUH. Dcpotj City Hall l'srkop- poslte on tho westi Grand Opera House adlolnlnfon tlioaoutli: UUbna Park The- - atro acroMtbu street north. The eloctrlo '". street railways from all parUof the city HJi center at Indoors. EUROPEAN PUN. &', r and upwards. Excellent Cafe In eouncc- j tlon. The nest value for tho money In thu J State of Utah. M Why notcomo to the Hotel replete ft- ' with every comfort when It costs no K I more money? Reed Hotel Co., Pro Bi THE aH FIRST H t thing to consider In depositing M money is SECURITY. I NATIONAL p government superintends and examines this bank. Our stock- Bi holders and dlrectorHare respon- H slblc, well-to-do business men. Hi This LwAb1 BANK . 'I has been established over Hi !' years, during which time It lias H:j:. served the banking public faith- Hjj fully and built up a large and I prosperous business. The best fli service possible Is none too good for our country customers and Hj the people of I LOGAN H When you think "Hank" think H j "First National." eis Foley's Orino Laxative 'Is best for M women and children. Its mild action , and pleasant taste makes It preferaole H 1 to violent purgatives, such as pills, tablets, etc. Cures constipation. Sold hy all druggists and dealers. I Your Watch M Contains 100 separate pieces piec-es os requiring 37f0 operations ' in tho production. ' The Balance runs a mile Ian hour, 24 miles In a day. One wheel revolves 4,730,450 J I - limes a year. Tho Balance H( ! makes 57,080,000 vibrations B ' every twelve months, ana : 1 1 keeps It up for years (some- 5- times never cleaned.) Is It not a faithful servant? H Are You a Good Master? J; If you want IT to give ou I good service why not bring HI it to us? Wo will make it V like new and It will last )0u K ears longer than If neglect-. neglect-. Hi AH Work Is Guaranteed. B If you haven't a good B ' watch let us sell jou one. ;' You know the place. H! h; The Johnson Jewelry Go. Hi Jewelers and Opticians. Possess marvelous curative powers, removes all disorders, makes health, strength and flesh. After taking IIol-llster's IIol-llster's Rocky Mountain Tea you'll realize re-alize the wonderful good It does. .15 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. K. Napper and Rlter Bro.'s DrugCo.s It has set the whole world a-thinklng Upon It' all Doctors, as one, agree. The tonlo all your friends arc taking is Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea,. C. B. Napper and Rlter ilro.'s Drug Co.s T ' RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS. You will soon receive the congratulations congratu-lations of your friends upon jour Improved Im-proved appearance If you will tako Foley's Kidney Remedy as It tones up the svstcm and Imparts new life and vigor. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures backache, nervous exhaustion and all forms of kidney and bladder troubles. Commence taking It today, Sold by all druggists and dealers. IMFORTANT DECISION. It Is Important that you should decide de-cide to tako only Foley '8 Honey and Tar when you have a cough or cold as It will cure the most obstinate rack Ing cough and expel the cold from your system. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs. Insist , upon having It. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea never falls to tone the stomach, purl fythe blood, regulate the kldnejs. liver and bowels. The greatest spring tonic, makes and keeps you well. .15 cents, Tea or Tablets. C F.. Napper nnd Rlter Bros'. DiusCo's. ' I Want Column 1 E'or Sale First class wild hay. 103 N. Fifth West. Bell 'phone 20x. w o Carolina Poplars for sale by N. S. Hanson, 41(l.Est 1st South, Logan, wo Wanted Good, cheap farm horses Immediately. F. A. Neuburger. Wanted. Cattle to herd during summer. Inquire John King, Mill-vllle. Mill-vllle. wc For sale. 40 acres at mouth of Blacksmith Fork canyon. Inquire of John King, Mlllvllle wc II. J. Hansen, Westlield, city scavenger scaven-ger and back-yard work. Bell 'phone 148k. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Wanted Your next order for coal and wood. Thatcher Coal Co. Hold 'phones, .'114 yard; 1(1 uptovn. wc For painting and paperhanglng call on Carl J. Olson & Son, 34 South Main. All work guaranteed first-class. wc For Sale Lucerne and tlmolhv liny and straw. C. Balling, .'11(1, So. Main; indepent 'phone .342. Bell .TJlo. wc We want cemetery lots, lawns and rose beds to plant. We can furnish the goods. Carlisle & Stlrland. wc For Rent Ten acres good beet land at south edge of olty. Apply at Cache Knitting Works, Bell 'phone 114. wc Rudolph Oortclnsky, 455 West Fifth North, Logan city scavenger and back yard work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ind. 'phone 217m. w c To rent or sell 1U0 acres ot land; 80 acres In lucerne, 20 acres pasture, 35 acres In fall wheat, balanco summer fallowed land. Peter Nllsou, Smith-field. Smith-field. Farm fenced, good flowing well, log house, 4 acres In pond full of tlsh Wanted 50 head of cavalry horses Must all bo bays In color, weight 050 to 1100 pounds, height 15 to 151 hands, ages 4 to 8 years; all saddlo broken. Will bo at Logan one day only, April 4, 1008, at Moses Thatcher's stables Natural Flavors I V CBJCioyj H Flavoring van., m a ' m. Lemon Extracts ass. I are natural flavors, obtained by H a new process, which gives the H most delicate and grateful taste. H Dr. Price's Favorings can be I conscientiously commended as i0 ( being just as represented, per- K fection in every possible respect. H One trial proves their excel- lence. it's Certainly Great Ceal I you get from us. So free from H dirt, stones and slate. So free I burning, so quick to get going. H Order a ton or so just so you can I say you got your coal here. Then I people will say that nothing but I the best is good enough for jou I even In coal. I M. & L. COAL AND WOOD CO. I Both Phones, No. 74. I DeBouzek I Huntz I Gompany I J4JJfUbtafUft.M. I eeetfjHraee Dealfinera.lEnirti verm, I Electrotypcr. I Salt Lake City I $99,999.99 I H local money I To Loan I on Farm and City property on I EASY TERMS. I Wo have the choicest list of Farm and City Property for sile on terras to suit the buyer. We are always at vour service. H. A. Pedersoi) & Co Over 1st National Bank, Logan, Utah Wll You Have Company To Dinner? Then you will need a good table wine or wines for your guests, What will t bo an elaborate dinner din-ner or a few friends? No matter how elaborate, we can furnish vou the best and choicest wines from sherry, santcrno or Burgundy to champagne, and fine liquors at a moderate cost. J. R. EDWARDS |