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Show 8URELY LIMIT OF MEANNESS. Husband Got Phonographic Record of Wife's Snoring. Lincoln Beachy, the well-known balloonist, bal-loonist, was talking In Toledo about Henry Fnrman's recent marvelous flight with his aeroplane in Paris. 'The aeroplano will somo day rule the air," he said. "Modern Invention makes this probable, particularly the invention of motors that are at once very light and very powerful. What a useful thing modern Invention Is," said Mr. Ileachey, with n laugh. "I know, for Instance, a Toledo man who started the phonograph going suddenly sudden-ly the other night. His wife looked tip from her book. '"What kind of a record Is that?' she crledi 'It sounds like a dog fight in a sawmill.' " 'It Is your own record,' said the husband, triumphantly. 'I set the machine ma-chine on you last night In your sleep. Now, maybe, you'll believe that you Bnore. " |