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Show i, ii hi i.li...ymnmmiiii.i,m.lil, Rig Affair AtWellsville WELLSVILLE, March 31.-On Wednesday, March 25, tho old folks' reunion was held in the basement of our new tabernacle, where all the necessary conveniences were at hand. All persons In the ward over 40 years of age were Invited to the party and all the aged people were transferred to and from their homes. At 1 o'clock the tables were loaded with all the good things of the land, and those present then sat down to dinner. After dinner a most interesting interest-ing program was tendered to the satisfaction sat-isfaction of all present, which con-, slstcd of singing, speeches, recitations, dancing and graphaphone selections. Supper was served at (I o'clock and all reported as having a most enjoyable day. The day closed with a theatre In the evening, "The Golden Giant Mlne,"to which all the people over CO years of age were given a complimentary complimen-tary ticket, a fact much appreciated by the aged. The play was presented by the, Elite Stock Co. or this cltv Those who took part were Win. O Darley, Walter Aylctt, Jos Cooper, Wm. P. Murray, Henry Darley, Thos. It Thorpe, Emma Hill, Mrs. Maggie Smurthwalto and Ethpl Aylott, all of whom did well. The house was crowded crowd-ed and all felt repaid. Tomorrow night (Wednesday) the U. A. C. military band will give a concert con-cert in the opera house. Wm. M. Allen will leave for a British Brit-ish mission on Tuesday, April 7. A farewell party In his honor will be given In the pavilion next Friday night. The population of Wellsvlllu Is Increasing, In-creasing, as last Sunday all the following follow-ing arrived: bojs to W. II. Maughan, Jno. Riggsand Jas. Hill; Rlrls to Wm. R. Parker, and Samuel Rlggs, and recently re-cently a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Haslam, and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gunnell. All concerned are doing nicely. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maughan will be pleased to learn that their daughter, Marie, Is so far roiovered as to be able to bo out of bed most of the time. Mr. Nelson, of Smlthtield, spent 'Saturday and Sunday In 'the city as i guest of Miss Williamson. I James G.Stuart has recently completed com-pleted a handsome dwelling. The homes of I. L. Glenn and Joseph Brenohley are also nearing completion. |