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Show He Ought to Know, At one of tho big leceptlons given by the fleet at Newpoit News just previous pre-vious to its departuiu for tho Pacific the six-year-old son of a noted geologist geolo-gist was "among thoso present." As tho youngster leached Admiral Evans, at the head of the receiving line, tho admlial, who has n waim spot in his hcait for small boys, picked the little fellow up, perched him on his shoulder, and remaiked: "Now, little lad, what have you got to Bay for yotuself?" Not a whit abashed by his exalted position or tho distinguished company aiouud htm, tho small boy looked the commander straight In the faco and demanded, "Why does a wabbit wiggle his nose?" . As naturo study Is not as yet required re-quired for the navy, the admiral was In beyond his depth, Ho parried tho question by asking another "Why,do you ask me, llttlo man?" "Because," answered the youthful scientist, "because I think you look ns If you ought to know." |