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Show Men's Clothes Worse Than Women's. Mrs. Llllie Dovereaux Blake thinks that men's clothes aro Just as uncomfortable uncom-fortable nnd Injurious to health as women's, nnd as they are tho lords of creation nnd women follow meekly In their footsteps she holds them responsible re-sponsible for the irrational clothing of both sexes. Tnlklng to tho Now York City Mothers' club she said: "Men wear atrocious clothes. They are both hideous and uncomfortable and detrimental to health. I should think they would bo glad to put on women's clothes. Theso poor, miserable miser-able men, I feel sorry for them when I see them dressed In tho samo clothes that they wear in winter when the thermometer Is nbovo 80. It must bo perfectly awful to wear clothes llko that In hot weather. If I were a lord of creation I would try to adapt my clothes to the climate." |