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Show Fifty Years ihi Standard w CBEAM BAKING mm A Cream of Tar tar Powder Made From Grapes No Alum . IT -IT" iii BilU , , Consumption There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, exercise, ex-ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come prclty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Millions Mil-lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. CJ From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can lake SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for n long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and (hat is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. J We will send you a sample free. Q He ture that thii dfL t pktute in the furm of 'Ls2c&, libel It on ihc rp- s3vC?Z cr of every bottle u( H I tA I iruUiui )on bi 'i3!J4-y Scott &Bownc 'ffiSqS CliemntJ M I jL 409 Pearl Street )X A E New York Ki" The Popular Priced Munsing Union Suite" FITWICLL, WK.n WKLL, LOOK WELL. Our customers who have tried them will wear no other kind They cost no uioio than the common sort'. Duy now while our stoqk is complete. People's Co-op. CURE iheiimittlsm by iukli.?. Hooil'fl S.iivupurilluvt'hlch oy";iih.i trnliitiiij,' tho ncId in (ho blood purn'.r nsntlv rcliorcB uchos ttnd PASy 4v CHEAP HATES TO EL PASO AND CITV Of MEXICO, On Nov. 10th nnd 11th the cbjroS DADO MIDLAND will sell rouydlrTF tickets to Kl l'uw for $15.05, tluts good until Noiemlior 25th witliVlfnal oxteiukHl limit of Dro. I'Gth if .ItstrftK At Kl Paso rountl trip tickets to CltM Mexico will be on tale for $28.00. JS'iJw is the timotoMsitbenutiful mid antique Old Mexico at gre.itl) reduced rntes'jf $$ STADl' DlUlirhy reohig that yt)ur tickots rend over the Scouic MIDLANll ROUTE, thus assuring jou a nloaeaiit and iuteiesting scenic trip, bcejjfnt connection1) all the way. Further 4,ari lictilard nnd litornturo nt ticket ollfcej 77 West Second South, Silt Lnkt (M Herb W Edwards InjuredSi Herb W. Ddwards of Des SIoTiios,' fnwn, got n full on mi ley walk lastwTiir lor, spraining his wrists and Imiistng his knie. "Tho next day," he nyj "they were so soro and still I was iifrnJU I would havt) to dtny in bed, bnt.l'rjiljpj ed thm well with Chainburlain'tiSlNtfu Halm and after a few npplicntlojjsWM soreness hud disappeared." Pgalo by II. D. Merrlhew Of CI': t . lJ . t -. Man's UnreaKonablenes Is often qb great ns woman's. Dili Tho S Austin, M'gr. of Hie "Depubhcnn," of Leavenworth, hid., was not unreasonable, unreason-able, when. he refused to nllow the doc tor's to operate on his wife for female trouble. "Instead," he siyr, "uu ran. eluded to try Klcelriu Dittor-. My wife wns tl.i u bo lick she could Imrdlv lene her bed, nnd llvo 5 plnslclnns lind failed to relievo her. After taking Klectric Uilters she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household dtitlei'." (innr.tuteed by T. J. Wads-wortL", Wads-wortL", diuggist, price 00c. f i umi . I . Prob.Ui; and Guardianship Notice. Consult County Cleik, or tho HcsH!C-tlvoBlgncM HcsH!C-tlvoBlgncM for Further luforiiiutloii. ESTATE OF HANS HAMMER. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers to tho undersigned, nt the residence of Mrs. AuulnC. Hummer, opposite tho Rncker Mercantile Com liany, on Main street, or at the home of Andrew Field, onc-haK block east of Uroadbents Store, on Fiisl Kant street, both in Lehi City, County and State i f Utah, on or befoio February L'tlth, A. D. 100C. ANNIE C. HAMMER mid ANDREW FJKL1), Exu'u'orB of tho Estntc of limit) Hammer, Deceased. A.J. Evans, Attorney for said tistnlc. First Pub. Oct. 20, '05. To The Patrons of the Utah County Light and Power Co. Notice Is hereby given that all persons per-sons burning lights during the day, oi running motors during lighting hours, wPI be charged it double rate. Also all persons found using uioie lights than they nro plying fur will have their light service discontinued mid will bu prosecuted for H.ime. The Utah County Lioiit and Pow Kit Company. J. II. WOOri'ON, Mr. LOCATION NOTICES, and proof of manual labor for sale at this ollice ooooooooooooooooo I CQAL I o For Clear Creak 0 x Castle Gate Coals j WLSON T& TAYLOR A Telophono or loitvo your 6 6 ordors at t X Lohl More. Co. q X or X Y S.J. Taylor's nosldoncu V OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE FAMOUS O. f. G. f-Iogs R. D. WADLEY & BRbS, Importers and Breeders Ploaoarvb Grovo : : TJ-tat rhono 06-4 DR. W1ERRIHEW Good Work at Reasonable Prices. Lehi City Utah DR. G. L. STOOKEY SSgiDL DENTIST Lehi City Utat Skillful and Careful Attention Qlvcf) to Details of Each Operation. R. E, STEELE, H. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Lchl City Utah In New Offics Dulldlna. Residence at former home of James Klrkham. v7 m. stookey,"mTd! PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofrice Hours: 2 to 5 P. M. Offlco at Resldenco of Former Homo of John Brndshaw. Lehi City Utah A. J. EVANS ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC... Olfico over Lehi Commercial & 8av Inns Dank. Lehi Utah CHAS. C. FRIEL NOTARY PUBLIC. All kinds of Legal Forms carefully drawn up. Deeds, Mortgagee, Escrows, Agreements, Leases, Contracts, -etc. Tclcphono: Ilosldonco C. Offlco atDanli Tho Ittiiiuer ollh'o isthu pluco to got ulll I.cttU I tuittls, "itiiU. IIciuli, Invl- tntioiH, Htnleiueilts ntid till kludj) of ob work done. ' Fresh nit' cured fltOi, snusngca nnd M botoim nt Wrilit'fl new market, M tMpiuniit ()roo M ROBERTS I & BREMS I Meats, I Vegetables, I Fruit. I We appreciate your trade and will treat you right. Liht - - Utah Isiii aje Makes Daily Trips to Bostonia and Return For ftirtltor inforiuntioii adilross OLIVER CEDERTSRONI Proprietor. Linir - . Utah OSTERLOH BAKERY Best of Bread, Ice Cream, Cakes, Etc. LEHI and AM. FORK. Patronize Home Industry t 1 Send in your orders. WHY NOT let us make your 1 Undepweap3 Garments and Sweaters IS V.ExMKV.Yv You can't afford to knit your own stockings any more, let us do it. WHY NOT? j STANDARD KNITTING CO. a ' I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .L OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rt .. ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ' oooooooo OOOOOOOO i OOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO ' I The Backer IVSercantile I 'I Company ' . has a big assortment in all lines of 8g : : : : MERCHANDISE : : ; :. ; i $X that they want to sell cheap for cash. Xx j 1 o$ They wiI3 be glad to show you in all o j i xx lines and sell as cheap as the ox j cheapest, and cheaper in many lines. $$ j III "We are willing for our customers to oo j x share the profits. xx j Come and examine our goods; j 00 they will stand Inspection. oo I ;X0 0 0' ' iAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ.OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOL'. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO j Soooooooooooooooo.l.ooooooooooooooooo''ooooooooooooooooo I I itr |