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Show ; Sudden Death. j When Hy rum Koberls went In wot k nt lite Hugnr factory yesterday morning morn-ing thoie wnH ni oiio wlio expected i, (lint liu would soon be taken Itomo n corpse For mimo Unio Mr HoboM lias I ice 1 1 having poor lii'itltlt. During , ' Uiumiiiiiiiici IiuwiihijuIIi'kIuIc nntl tin- nblo to wotk oil account of mi nllnek ot tyiihold fever Hi- lind luen Inylnjr oil work for u few days mid icttlincd to II work jt-Hterdny moriiluK. Ho liml llrcd out? roimil mill was nltoul to com- f tiit'iicc on another when Ills follow t wotl.mcii noticed wlml ti look tif t"c- liemoiinKiiMi lit; lmd ami ittsheil to t oaleli Mill tit ho whs HtnggcrliiK, tint lio ' full to tlio lloor mid tiled liefotu lie t could be taken to tlio liiliomtoiy of llio L fiiftory. Ilia tle.illi oeettried lit 10:10 ' o'clock Dr. Slookey utm called nntl ! jirunotineetl It a case of angina pooloils. He wan working Hi llrouian at the Htigar factory. The deceased was n hiother of Mayor Huberts and Joseph Roberts, the (butcher, lie has a family of nine children, chil-dren, the youngest but a few daya old. The funeial will bo held Friday at U p nt ftoin the itrd ward meeting , house. |