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Show Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Friel Entertaino. Al the beautiful home of Mr and Mrs. ''. C. Frk! n Hallowe'en parlj was given Monday night The gentlemen gentle-men galhcicd at Dr. Slide's home and were masked wild sheets and nl'low-sllps nl'low-sllps while the Indies a-sembled at the Union Hotel. Tlio company ineL iieai the hotelaud "selected" pnrtlieis mid inaiehitl lo I-'ilel's iisidcnee to mu-le the company u arched nntl d.iucitl When all weiu iinniaskctl a photo was taken by C. Ii Ward The renialndei of the evening was spent in games charaelcrlslle of Hallowe'en. Hefresh-nieiits Hefresh-nieiits weie also M'i td. The decorations decora-tions of their Iidiiiowiis veiy bc'tuliful, and no bdmr lmd leii "pnrcl to mnliL one lliink by Hit man, jiek o Iantein and ghost he could see that the iiut'liitt customs wero with us today. The many guests, who participated llv the groaUy'eiiJoyod tlio tivcnliigTipcnjliw tliegiic.it of Mr. ami Mis. Friel. -,H |