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Show Public School Notes. . Clara Wniuncr, beginner grntft tviiclii r, itntl Auroia Nibtkei, 7th giadt lonelier, liolh of I'ajson hi bonis, lsltn1 Ihe l.thi '(buols Moudtiv. Term leporlH tere given lo pupib yesteidiM. They lonlain a moid o' the 111 si two months ot mIiooI. The liiHiees ate Inking slcps to cn-forcu cn-forcu the fidiool lifw . . , All of our iiiK'lieii, luimb-rlnif oighlien, atltidol the teuheis' Inall-lute Inall-lute nt 1'iovo iwtit S.tiur.ii). Oren Lewis, one of our last year students, who Is now attending tho U. of U., was lost Fiidny elcrtid piobidcnl ol llio piopnratory tttiilenl body of that Institution. Tin orgtiiiiHio!i numbers i bom six humliid sit den s, Mailhalinrlleld of Monti, oulvrul as n IliBl liar lllglt Hi lml (-Indent this wenk. The litdy IfitchciH of this dlsliict hold i Hallowe'en party at Mrs 11 L. linker' Tnebdnx nlglil tihoets stalked itbrontl near I be iielgblmiliood, where they were seen by in.ii j . In Hie beginutisi giado at Ihe Uous building Ibeio are twlio as ni.iny Iwy-in Iwy-in ghls l'rluiM Iho'u gills won't want for boiitit as Ihe ghls do no. . Lll.NA PollTOK. |