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Show I Special Meeting j City Council. I A special session of the city counell wtti held Tuesday ee, Oct. HI at the City Hall. A. .1. Kvans, picsldeittof the Utah County Light l'owet Co.-appeared Co.-appeared In behalf the company, and spokoof llio proposition to enlarge the power plant. It was estimated I10,WH? would be necessary to enlarge I he power plant at Us present U.irlora An estimate font new plant futther up tht.caioonwasfcWM. As the city Is a stockholder of tlio toinpaiiy tl e matter was icferred to the idly atloi-ney atloi-ney for all opinion to report at a futmo meeting of the council. Tlio following Judges of Election were then appointed by the council: District No . 1 James IJarwood, Hup; Wm ItoUo, Kop.5 '" iA l''oi Koelnllil Pr iifitisociniiit. Witiiut No. :i-.Ias 1 Fillb. Ittfp.; Knoeh llubson.ltcp.; J. C McG'amlla-w, Socialist. District No. I Win Abhor, Hep 5 Jonas llohlsw tilth, Hep ; Tlieo Shits, fc-'ooliilM. |