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Show H No Poison in Chamberlain's B CourIi Remedy. B From Napier New Zealand, Herald: B Two years ago the i'hainuuiy Itonrd of B Now South Wnles, Austialhi, had an unnlyslsmnduofnll Hie cough inediciiiQS B that wero eold in tho mnrkut. Out of B the entire list they found only one that B they declared was entirely (rue from nil B poisons. This exception was Chiunber- B luin'e Cough Uentedy, made by the B Chamberlain Medicine Company, IKs B Moinos, Iown, U. S. A. Tho nbsonce of H nil nnrcotios makes this remedy t!m B safest nnd bust tlint can ho had ; and it B is with a feeling of security that any B mother enn give it to her little one B Chamberlain's Cough Uuiuudy is us- BB, peclnlly rucouiineuded by its makers (or B coughs, cold, croup nnd whooidug K cough. This Heiuedy 1 for 91I0 by II. H J!. Merrihew. B All should visit Wiitflit's new mniket B nt I'leaanut Urove. H BLACK LEG VACCINE FREE BB CUTTER'S BLACK LEG VACCINE BBB 'XAUFOnNIA OTOCKMSN'S FAVOHITC" BBB Powdr, Sttlne or PiU Porni BB fSctU for 1 1 PER PACKACU of TBI! DOSES) f TolntroJoct,wwlIliindor. package ndourtwUll tn BUck Lg nd Anthru to each ttpcknxn J whonl6cenlipostig4nithnameiindJJiul I si twmty cttliflf nt ut (urm ol vaccine winUd, BBB AiirUH THE CUITEII UB0HA10HY DEHT. U. V ban rnANcieco, cal. t- TWpw- iBB !t V ' TBBBi Y" -.- -- I 111 11 iMiii mi nun , " "" - " .-M- ' u t 1 ' Sample Ballot, ' ' Al'THOKIJD KHVIHKI) STATUTES Ol'uriir, 1808. SECTIO.V 8;17. ' .a . .a v . i : KMHI.KM I KMI1LE.M ! KMIH.KM ' ' ' J Republican Party Ticket Citizens' Ticket. Socialist Ticket. o o o , . . SUf ., 1 i- , MJr, Mayors I Mnvor, . Mnv"r. TUOS. WHIIII. .. U. N. CHILD. J5D.SON VviIII'l'LK. , . ,HIT ' - - . Itccordcr, . llecordcr, Hrcorder, Hecorder, JOHN T. WINN. ED. SOUTH WICK. . WM. THINNAMAN, JK. - . , ,, City Marshal, City Mnrslial, City Marshal, . City Marshal, OKOKOUKVANS. HEMIYWEABT. I1JSNKY EAST. . LL . 2 City Justice of tho Pence, City Justice of tho Vearc, City Iimtlcc of llioVeaee, City Treasurer, SAMUEL TAYLOlt. It. J. WHIPPLE. 11 J. WHIPPLE. rK' M f . City Trcnsurer. City Trensdrer, City Trcnsurer, City Justice of the Pence, T.J. WADSWOItTH. ELISIIA liltOWK. SAMUEL PETERSON. 1 . -j . City Councihnnn, I yenr term, City Councllmnn, 4-yenr term, City Councilman, -1-venr term, City Councilman, 4-yenr term, S.I.GOODWIN. ELI KENDALL. ItOBEItTOILOliuiSr. City Councllmnn, 2-yenr term, City Councilman,' 2-year term, City Councllmnn, 2-year term, City Co'uncllmon, 2-yenr term, JOHN 1). WOODIIOUSE. ANDItEW FJELD. W. S. EVANS. p ------.- City Councllmnn, 2-year term, City Councilman; 2ycar term, City Councilman, 2-yeor term, City Councilman, 2-year term, 1IENKY LEWIS. WM. F. GUUNEY. OIIAKLE3E WAItD. City Councllmnn, 2-yenr term, City Councilman, 2-yenr term, City Counrllmnn, 2-year ler.n, City Councilman, 2-year term, PAULEY AUSTIN. JOHN 8TOKEII. ALFONSO WILLCOX. CERTIFICATE. STATE OF UTAH, ) - ' County of Utuli, ..". I, John. T. Winn, Oily Recorder in mid for Lohi City, Utuli, licroby certify that tlio above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the list of Nominees for City Oflicos as no won filo in ray office to bo voted for nt tho Municipal Election on November 7th, 1!)0C. In witness whereof! have affixed my namo and tho Corporate Seal of Lohi City, Utah, this 27th day of October, A. D. 1905. HEAiJ . JOHN T. WINN, City llocortlor. , UHIVERS1TY OF UTAH "THE HEADOF TH PUDUC SCHOOL."" SYSTEM OF THE STATE." Tlio I'litvci-Mity of I'tnli iiiuliido the Kehool of Artn nnd Sciences, thu Stale School of Mines and tho Slnlo Noruuil School. SCHOOL 01? ARTS AXP SC1EXCES. rTlio Buhool or Arts n'ud Bulciiuu)" ofl'crs coiimeH in: ': "" 1 (lenornl Science. 2 Lllicnil Arts. STATENOHMAL SCHOOL. Tho Normal School oH'-m: I- A four-year Normal Course. 2 Advniiced Normal Courses. ;t CoiirM'in Kindergarten Training. THE SCHOOL OF MIXES. The School of Mines oilers courses in: 1 MlulliK EliKllleerlng 2 l'Meetrlcnl Engineering. ."Civil Kugineeilng. I Mechanical Engineering. 6 Chemical Engineering. PREPARATORY SCHOOL. A l'leiuualory Hohool is iiiaiiitnlued w hleh gives preparation for thu coin's" in (leneinl Science, Llhernl Arts, Engineering, Engi-neering, Law, Medicine and lSusIness, Urudimtcs from tho eight grades of tho puhliu schools nro ndinitted to tlio Normal School; hut a year of high school uoik Is ueeeiNsnry for admission to tho I'leparutory School. Now hulldlngs, excellent facilities, splendid equipment. No tuition it charged, hut mi annual registration fee of ton dollars Is required. ltcgistratlon, September 15th mid liitli. Instruction begins September lHth. Cntiilogue and illustrated booklet bent frco upon rc(iiest to UNIYEKSITY OE UTAH, Salt Luko City, Utah. Worm Destroyer. White's Cream Vermifuge, not onlv kills worms', but removes the muctiH nnd slime, in uhich they build their nests: it blinds, nnd quickly, n healthy condition con-dition of tho body, wnere worms cannot exist. 'J5c nt T. J. Wndsworlh, THE rOPULAR MOUNTAINWAY 10 all points east, during nny season of the year, for scenery service. and equipment equip-ment is via the MIDLAND ROUTE The LINK of more unique nnd interest-Inir interest-Inir mountnin wonders than nny other in tlio world. It isn't so much where you go Hint jCountstnrt tlit ! seeing "Cij fickels tend via tho Colorado MfW LAND. Toll 1110 vlnsre you nro going nnd 1 will do the rest. Ticket Office 77 West Second South, Salt Lake, L. II. Hnidlng, Uennrnl Agent. Illustrated books on request. KILL thi COUCH ad CURE the LUNGS 1,1 Dr. King's Niw Discovery i-50N8UMPTiqN PrlVe FDn I bUGHSnnd' '80c Ml. 00 M OLDS Freo Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB-LE3, TROUB-LE3, or MONEY BACK. I ...H. B. MERRIHEW... I t Drus and Medicines I $ Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumes, & Cigars, Stationery. 9-9 Prescriptions fy Filled, D&y or Niht. f MAIN STREET XXX LEHI, UTAH J Wonderful Northwest FREE pr 31 FREE SOUVENIR ll SOUVENIR K&' Gov. Johnson ol Mtnne. Rjtfn;uR Mark Twaui iltct j'f, iotiuyi"'nioNorthcil HviHHlHHnsVil "To djjri ovtrdaa ind pM jyS '51J1,!'" th """ P01 I ll5r I The Wouid'i Womc tat gj ?$ conirien"aoepol(th JWtTwUWOTIlWlSrl tniU no" ol l,hl, ' ; wn imit ol 1I1U letion l!,''agJiLaKl thould rtlher not liare to . ff Tns Wonto'i Womc" "" ""a, -j reiorltoTlolenct." ' I THE BIG SPECIAL AUGUST NUMBER OF m THE WORLD'S WORK M R- will describe the marvelous development and the vast pouibllliles of the ?V fc: f.rr.it Northwest, No other section of our country presents such a dramatic nji a? story of achievement and progress as that of the Noitlmest, from the expedi- H ? tlon of Lewis and Clatk to the creat centennial at Portland. Tub World's B3 u Work will picture and describe its great industries mining, farming, Kjjj KK lumbering and fishing; Its cities and people; its commerce with the P.ait; its 9 jkr railroailsathomeiitseminentmen, nctides,thisgreatmagaiine will describe ij-J HI The Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland Wm with maps, photographs and descriptive articles. It will be a necessary &V MP guide and handbook to everyone who visits the Exposition, the best 1 MP souvenir for those who cannot go, 9U m THE WORLD'S WORK f S draws its Inspiration from the ssme indomitable spirit of progress that has IBS & trarsformed the Noitlmest from a wilderness to a great civilized empire, V$. Jg Each month it describes the vital things in the world's life and the men j5 who are doing them. It is a history of our own time superbly illustrated. Mfc ?l Every Family In the Northw ShoolJ Read THE WORLD'S WORK HI 5?y ennn iti,iiiiu..,6tb.NiiiNi.itt(.ii.iuii)i.mptii'init""'. Mm G&1 Plvlll ''1 nl 1 y th f4ow tttLi lUSuneiiCrf r.t.wCU irnl IVt ttf vkartf, en a Ki -- f I, ,. ilHIlulli'ir"4'l'tHhU MR'- U( u 1 wnl ulli( ki lk ,n Mrl mfci fUoi uil; - .i iffuWlbl, Ji(ul Northil NumWrrrt Htntba thll fft. AH7 DOUBLEDAY, PA0E & COMPANY, 133-137 East 16th St.. New York W 1 t 1 000Ji Zt-i o-- a t BLACKSMITH , , 7 vf Buggies op Wagons J I Made and Repaired 1 HORSESHOEENC f Mali) Street - - L.ohi, Utah. 4 1 HAMMER. BROS. (HI LIVERY. FEED AND TRANSFER & : T rt M f Stables ' m, I W On Main Street. Near D. (SL R. G, W I K Also Stato Street, Near Salt Lako Route, fi i W 1 f Buss Meets All Trains. f w w Are You Going to Travel? IF SO Figure out your route early. ... THE WAY Should be " . via the . . . . k I Oregon Short Line R. R. In conitcctlott with ttio Union Paciiic--'S,SE; Wrlto for rnten nnd Information. D. E. BURLEY, D. S. Sl'ENCER, G. P. T. A. A. G. P. T. A. Salt Lalic Cily, Vlali. ! -MM., . . . ! |