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Show RARE CONTINENTAL BILLS. Washington Newspaper Writer Owns Collection Dating Back to 1785 Received from New England. WasbJSKton. Col. Ezra Nat. Hill, a newspaper writer of this city, has come Into possession of some raro nnd vnlua-blo vnlua-blo pieces of continental money which he has been exhibiting to his ocqtinlu tances. One of tho notes was Issued by the ciiy of Albany, N. Y.. March 2fi, 1701, nnd tho legend "Threo Pence" Is printed across lto faco In ojd style typo. Another noto of similar value was Issued by the city of Philadelphia In 1787, whllo n quaint hill on ngojol lowed paper waa Issued by "tho etato of Massachusetts Day" In 17S5. and calls for, "ono Spanish milled dollar" Another note, Issued by the samo state. calls for "two Spanish milled dollars," and still another demands sovon of tho dollars of tho dona. Col Hill says this queer and Inter estlng continental money was Rent to him by.a.frlond In New England. |