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Show SCIENCE TO KILL WHALES. Station Costing $80,000 I Established Estab-lished for tho Purpose on Vancouver Island. Sccliart, n. C Modorn whaling is exemplified in a schemo in operation at Sccliart, on tho west coast of Vancouver Van-couver island, whero a whaling station costing 180,000 hns Juat been established. estab-lished. One hundred men will bo employed there In transforming tho carcasses of whales into various profitable products, every rrt of tho lovlathans being utilized. util-ized. The whales will bo caught by the modern steam whaler Orion, recently arrlvod from Europe, which will crulso off Sechart, whero whales will bo harpooned har-pooned by modern devices from the deck of tho Orion and patont reels nnd special Winchesters will help take earn of tho monster after ho Is conquered. A similar station may be established next season near Nanalmo. |