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Show SUNFLOWER STATE GIRLS. Qlvo the 'Trapped Salutation" to tho Men Because of Smaller i Number. Kansas City, In several counties or Kansas tho now census returns-show that tho men greatly outnumber tho womon. This probably accounts for thn proud and Imperious disdain of th" Kansas maidens whose chances In th" matrimonial tnblo of expectancy aro far brighter than in other and less favored communities. In one county there is .i man and seven-eighths to every girl. It is said tho girls of Oils county have developed de-veloped tho haughty oyo nnd marblp heart along with tho straight front and mincing glldo. To tho sighing swains of this locality they gave tho trapped salutation In tho security of knowing that If they fall to land a traveling man or collego harvest hand they can nlway.4 rely upon the local supply of ollglbloa. |