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Show nJHTCGiVlMERCtflL ftND SflSlAiT I WKS $&. ? 8H I T. U. CU I LtH, President. JOHN Y. SMITH, Cashier. H Almost Nothing f I S TO PAY DOWN! I Iho Marvelous just what I H 1 Miicirel "X J 1 You Want 1 1 I EmtertamerA v . I I I "HID MASTER'S VOICE" H I THE.. nfTfQ 1 IMPROVED Y lv 1 VlJtV. I H Plays the beautiful perfected Operatic Records, Hand Records, I M I Orchestra Records, Malo Quartette Records, Song Records, I H H Banjo Records. Kubellk Violin Records, Calve Records. ALL H M S THITSE RECORDS are given with a rURU GU.'GII.'G TONH. H I Almost nothing to pay I down on the VICTOR I wvh bvs v t cvs aY us '"or rccor's nn' a very "" 'H I fiolic SES A smaU P0!10"1 " ,ho Victor, H I .&rmt-Km m. fKsm. an a'i0 no O"""1' home, be- H I 0FI IR I IX Slnnins to pay for It 30 days B I J later in EASY Installments. M I THIS GRCAX OFFER MADE TO ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE OF JM THIS VICINITY. r H I A Complimentary Concerts daily In our otoro, You are cordially invited. M B Will you not como and hear tho Hew Improved Victor? H 81 J Beesley Music Co.. 46 s- Ma" st 1 H i i i r n M rrr n TTTirm-niiiTimmwnriiMwmi,HroiitiiiiM. ii i.ii. n,i iiwrfrniirrcTn HHHJ From 10 to 40 minutes fatter between Lehl and Salt Lake, M Ogdcn, and all points in Uuh County, Tintic and Sanpete. M 3' I FAST TRAINS DAILY I O I I , TO THE EAST O Through Sleeping and Dining Car Service to Denver, M Omiltii Kanias City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. fl MAGNIFICENT SCENERY A'PNvTnrV AfeM I FLOVD GUEEN, Local AeM. 1 H gxxxxoocoooocoooooooooooog I I Tke Elk Saloon I S? .. n. O. A. SLADE. Proprietor X M g Fine Line of Wines, y U 6 Liquors and Cigars. O H q Family Trade Solicited C TC Q M K Opposite Opera House. MAIN STREET, LEH1 Q H B)oxxoxoocxxoococxxxxxS TOT A TT Is a good time to have B I A Y yur nantie placed on our fl "X jLJl X subscription list J |