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Show H Local Briefs. B liny cvnnled nt I'coplo'n Co-op. 4 B Geo. Austin upont a fow days In l.elil BB tlila week. Ba Horn To Mrs. .litmus Schow.n Imby Bfl' Coy, Oct. liJi.l. H; Miss Snvngo of Suit Uku wns 11 Ia'IiI B' visitor tills week. Joseph Anderson of Hnjjnr City, Idiu. BB Is heru visiting Ilia parents. BS J..I. Jlttrkoof Walt Lake, who has n BB coutrnet at lliu sugar factory, was in BB Lehl this week. BB Ernest Prratnlteli is In town visiting Bfl friends. Ho litis been working nt Gni- BB BB A lot of Dress Goods and Bilks nt Half Bfl J'rieont People's Co-op. t B Win. 15. 15vnne Iiiih a letter from' Ilox Bfl '11, " n cnll for n mission to the Uuntrnl Hfl Btntcs. H l'rcs. Duflln of tliu Central Stntes Mis- HB sion was n visitor nt tliu Stignr fnctory HB this week. flj A number ofJLchl men went to 8tn;ar HB City to work for the tompnny. Chns. HB Oil inn hired them. BBl Tho beet aro nearly nil In nnd the Bb payday nt tho Siignr Fnctory will be BB tliu largest in tho history of tho factory Bfl for farmers nnd lnboiors, B Our stock of Carpets, Art Squnres Hi nnd Hugs is tlio best ever. flj People's Co-op, B l'etor Anderson of San Pete, hend BB mnu for the Utnh Sunr Co. in Hull BBJ comity,!) la Siting tho factory hero nt BB l'rof. Frank Wilcox, n young Utah BBJ violinist who has been studying nt Bl L'.-peir. nnd IScrlin, Geriunny, Is the Hi guest of his cousin, Mih. Joseph 1. B Bb When j on wnut n pleasant ph)?ictry Chatnberhiiu's Stomach unit Mvcr Tnb- BBb lots, Tliey nro easy to lake and pioduco J no griping or other unpleas.uit died. H Bold by II. It. Merrihew. Bp Al. For had thu misfortuuo to hne ' his llrst finger on tho right haml cut oil' J whllo nt work nt tlio sugnr factory. Ii fis in tho co-a of the cryatnli.er the Bl uccident happened; BB "I was troubled with couslipiitiou nnd fl-r-" atomnch troubles, lost lleih, my coin B pleiion whs ruined; Ilolllstcr'a Itocky BB- Mountnin Ten brought bndk my health BBb nnd complexion," Mary Allen, Bt. H Louis. 35 couts. T. J. Wndsworth's H Stake Olllcora of thu ltelief Society K met in their regular monthly meeting BB on Tuesday ufternoou nt thu homo of B their treasurer, Mm. 15 J. T, Itobeits. B Tho object of those meetings are to rc- B jiort visits mndu to thuKollel iricotings ol thu winds through tho Stake the piist mouth, and to plan work and make B nppointmuuts for tho coming month. B Highest cnsli prices pnid (or poik nnd H' vcul. Wright's new market, I'luninu J Grove. B T, F. Tnu 1 u has returned from u B visit to Neplii nnd surrounding country, B wheru ho" hns bt-on innUing dollveilcs H for our knitting fnctory. Mr. Triine B reports thu wliwit ciop in Hint vicinity B us great. 32,000 bushulB wns mined on Hl the ridgo between I.evnn nnd Kcplii. B- Dry farms produce from 1 0 tn III! bushels B per acre. Ho states that CO Bulky pious B nnd 8 to 10 seeders wero nt work when |