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Show f- F2? 'f'- i jmmv EX-8LAVE MEETS MASTER. uthern Negro Encounters Man Who .Owned Him More Than Torty. l' Yku Ago. Springfield, Neb. Harry Hdmund-sen, Hdmund-sen, a well-to do negro lhlng two miles from here, and Mason Peters, n rich etockraan, of Knnsas City, met a few daya ago for the first time In over 41 years sinco 18CI. Then llirry. at tho age-of four yrars. had recently been presented to Mason roter. lite eldest son oAshby Peters, of Clay, county. Mo., on. who(o homestead, tho hoy waa bornln slavery. Together with his mother and flvu brothers and Bisters, Harry hnd been Bold at auction, but Mrs Peters had , taken a fancy to the llttlo fellow, .and nt her Intercession he was not dellv- ered to. his new masters, hut was nl- I lowed to remain on tho old homestead, and "wns given aa a present to tho elder son of the family Soon after his mother, calling her six children to her, sot out to seek her own and their freedom. haIng lost faith Ih Undo Sam. They mado tholr way to what Is now Kanani City, Kan., whero they found friends nnd Harry "Just growed." Now ho Is tho hnppyposscsBor of a wlfo and family arid n flno 80-acro farm. Through a newspaper clipping Ed-mundson Ed-mundson recently located his old master mas-ter nnd In response to n letter receded an Invitation to pay him a visit Tho Invitation was accepted and the one-tlmo one-tlmo slavo had n pleasant tlmo with his former ownor. 'Ho haa Just returned re-turned to his Nebraska homo. |