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Show CALLS HIS WIFE A WITCH. Russian, Believing Neighbor's Stories, Ilefusea to Live with Helpmeet Woman Pleada Innocence. Frceland, Pa, Andrew Fotchlk, n Russian living at Drlfton, hrought his wlfo to thoofflcoof Dr J U Houston hero nnd asked tho phjslclnn to cxnmlno Ler, claiming she la bewitched. Ho said his neighbors for months had beon tormontlng him abou her, but until lately ho did not bolievo them. Now ho Joined with them In believing that she was "possessed," and unless the doctor could do something ho would no longer live with her. Dr. Houston decline to make tho requested examination. Fotchlk could not bo porsuaded to bellev'o that hla neighbors wero wrong, as well aa. hlmsolf, and declared that bo no longer recognized tho woman ns hla wife, nnd would not llvo with her. ' The neighbors have accused hor of an evil "power, and threatened to kill her. The poor woman saya her neigh-born neigh-born have' Influenced tho husband against her, and denies being the author au-thor of, the alleged Ills of which sho Is accused. |