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Show Montanan's Hore. JI. T. Small, 1 I'. Sp irniulh and Chili 1'iesley, a coiumlltte icpictttlit lug the fanners, and Ma (J Wlungai, ' tcpteseullug the Chamber of t'om- !' nieico of Cnlisprill, Montana, were In ' Lehl iuNCHllgatlng.lhe sugar beet indus try. I'hey mot seeral of our fanners, vlslletl biel Holds and alio the faultily. Itlilhe Inlentlon to elect a Rtigar faelory fae-lory nearCalNpall, Montana, If funnel will conduct loialse btels. 'lliey will ninko u thorough Investigation of eon-j eon-j (lltloiii and ciops here and wlllteport to frlentls whom they lopiosont. |