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Show When You Have a Bad Cold You wan! a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy You want a lemedy Hint will counteract counter-act any lomleiicy lowatd pneumonia. You want n remedy lhat Is pleasant and safe to take. Chnmborlain'B Cough K-medy meets all of Ihesu requirements nnd for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer. For sde by II. It Merrihew. IlliBiik The Lord l" cried Hannah Plant, of LUtlo Rock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Hiick-len's Hiick-len's Arnica Salvo. H cured my fearful running Bores, which nothing ulso would heal, and from which I had euHered for live years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, bin ns and wounds, Guaranteed Guaran-teed at T, J. WndBWorth'sdrug Htoro; 25c. t ..ump UVH-w i .iinttMHiMiw? rtfhwntgnf ii .n -" T First Prizes 7 FIRST PRISES & WERE AWARDED BY STATE FAIR JUDGE3 , TO THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER, EXTRACTS, AND SPICES, FOR SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY.. . Your grocer refunds your money if you don't like Tluvo Crown. Howled llrtM. CaJ NOllOE. M. A. No. -miJU. APPLICATION FOtt PATENT, a United Stales Land OlhYe, . '. , Salt Laku City, UIhIi, Sept. 6, 1005. NOTICE IS HKKKIIY GIVEN, That Uiah Fir Clay Company, ga .oiporation, through its iiuthomed ' igent, Cora M. liolderiusii, whose postolliio addrcrs ia ln7 Keith llldg., Salt Lake City. Utah, lias madu appll- ntioii for n United Klales patent for the Flint No. a and Flint Nu. lode mining claims consolidated, liluatu in lie vlphie (niiorgiiiicd) Alluiuu Pii-lrifl, County of Uiah, Kiatc of Utah, bciiig survey No 0:571, nnd deecribed in the leld notes mid pl.it on lib- III this ollice, a ilh magnetic variation hi 17 dig. I'O lulu. KaM, us follow b; i Couiiueuciiig nt corner No 1 of Flful 'o. I lode flaiui, whence Ihe quarter ictiou coiner between Sections ill HJid "0, low in-liip 1 'outh, Kaugo 1 Ertstjol' he Salt Lake Itasu and Meridian Ivors ouili 0J de, 40 lulu. West, 1610.U feet; lienee fcolllb ((i deg 11 mill East ll)a.H feet In corner Ni - of sold lodo: iheut'u Soiiib 7a de. 15 lulu. Enst 741.3 cut to corner No 'i of Flint No. '2 lodo; I, ..nre N.ittb II ilvir. '.! mill. West 505.0 eel to corner No Hot Mint No. 'i lodo; hence Nnrlh 7a deg. t'5 mln. West 744.U uet tuctrnir No I of said Flint No", a ode, idei.li.al with corner No. a of aid Flint No. 1 lode; I hence North III (leg. IS uiin. West 101)4.5 fei't to corner No.4 I said Flint No. 1 lode; theneu Soutji Jdeii. SOiiiin East I1I7.S feet to corner No. 1 of said Flint No 1 lode, thu place if beuiiiuing and located on S. E. H of N. W. H and S. W. H of N E. )i tjec-iiin tjec-iiin Sll, Tnivnehip 1 South, Range 1 Ivaul, H L M., conlalnlug an nieiv of lU.lltlncies exclusive of coullicts with southwest Jiof Northfist kj ofBection Sll, Township 4 South, Itiii'igo 1 Eait,, Silt Laku Ila-'C nnd Merldla'n. ( illiM't llnit this iiollce bn publisht'd' In the Lehl Itaiiucr published at l-ehl, CtahCountv, Uiah. FHANK I). llOmiS, Uegister.1 IlK.dlNS fi HKKfOK, , ;lr Salt Lsku Oily, Utitli, i Cliiliu&nls AltorneyH.-Tc. ( -, First .ubf Sept. 7, iJt)6. KQftQ TELEdlAPHERS' .jii , " NEEDED ; Anminlly. tn nil the new jioiUlotn crmleil liy Kallroaii mill Tilrgtanli Coniviuleii, We w Bill YOUNQ MEN d LADIES or gixxl lmhlU. to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND n. R. AOCOUNTINQ W furu'tli 75 per cent of Hie Operntom and Stnllon AKeiit In America Our hIk tcliooH ore the l.irce! ecliiHlve TeltRrnih School IN Till'. WOUI.H. Jtolnlilialieit Ji vtnm ami emlorKil liy all I'odluie Hallway Ollidnli. . . c execute a f'JW lloint to even- kludent to lurnUli htm or litr a jw.!tlon payfiiR .from f I1) to Ma mouth lu Wales enst or the Kocky Moan t ilim, or fiom (75 tot Wan liionlh In fjlnlcii cl oltliu Kocklrs. immtitiaUlii iwor yraduutlon Stmlf nU ran enfer atflnvtlmc No vacatloni l'or full lottlciilars refeard!iiBny oCour fhooli write direct to our extcullveomcent Olncluuall, O Catalogue Tree. The Morse School ol Telegraphy. . Cincinnati, Oh o. Buffalo, N Y Atliul, Ot, totVoi. IV'I ttxathana, Itx. San rnncicc. Co rhnmlmrlntn'o Colic, Cholera and innmUCriain S Diarrhoea Itemedy. Necrfalli. Day It now. It mny save life. r"'1 in. , I Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass It. Dr. King's New Discovery Or I OHf.llH una uJLll mi Vi.ii 50caI.M ) A Perfect I-'or All Tliroat and 0 Cure : Lung Troubles. 9 (Monty back If It falln. Trial Oottlti free. 1 BIWMIIIMIIIHjOlMaMBB WW 1 ' H FUEE OF CIIAIttiE. Any adult siitTurlni;fruiii a cold settled bif tho throat, Itronchltis, brest or lunj: trouble of nny nature who will call tit T. J. Wadsworth's, will be presented with a sample bottle of Hoseheu's Cerinnil Sjrup, freo of charge. Only one bottle kWcii to one person ti nd none to children child-ren without order mm paieule. tQu tliroat or lunc remedy cur had sijeh a sale ns llroochee's tiermau syrup fulall parts of the civiliiEed woild Twenty years ago inlllioiiH of hit tier wcio given away and yoifr ilrtilat will tell you Its success was umivuloiu. It ia,jenlly tho only throrl and I mm icni-vy icni-vy uenurally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will euro or nrovo its value. Bold by dealers in all civilized countries. - &A Dom't Nkuleot the throat, an otien avenue by wliitb any number of diseases can llud the r wlty Into the system. It must bote inembcred that the throat is vciv susceptible to attack, particularly In Mil jclimato, and this lact makes It dnublj true that an ounco ot prevention if better than a pound of cuio. Tin 'moment there's anything tho tu.ittei -with yoiu throat, however sllglit tie rouble, attend to it Instantly. One ol tlio best remedies for u Borcthroalis our Piphtheria Remedy An this medtcltif 'may be needed at any tlmo it should . I ways b nt hand. Don't forget that our prescription department is thu bfbl fiTi Lehl. T.jTWadsworthf Malu'sT I UDlIIMf! "TUSf rotiTivi niMior llCALUMl ro" TMt emrain cuac or w IKD POIIONINa, KHIUM. THU, OOUT. All KIDNCT COMrKINTI, CA TABRH, ICICMA KP AIL OTHCR XIN ND lOOD DIIKtO NATURAL HOT SULPHUR WATER SAW LAKE HOT SPHINGS SANITARIUM RATHC52"51 w,3d So DA1II4JSALTUKECITY $160,000 DATHINQ RESORT ( WITHIN A BLOCK OF AIL H0TEL3 COVIPINQ OVtS AN ACX OF OKDUNO 000 ttAiiona cr WATtn hi uixutr Hot Sulphur DaIIii In Porcelain and Maible Tubs, Private Plungr r and Immen;e Swimmlnc Poolt wiJw eOM.INI H.AITH IN. PII..UA. BT Vl.lTIM ' BATH WHIN IN ALT lAHf TUtHIM BATH. Open Dat and Niomt. VisiTona Weicour. .in. re.TAl ron iuubt.at.b boohiit 1 J1' 'J J .- L..1 J - a .'. Name Y6uiy Route Eastj On your next trip East tell your local ticket agent that your lickct to Chicago must read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway You will do yoursuU a kindness, securing the maximum amount of comfort utithe minimum cost. Double daily train service frotn,0gden to Chicago nnd from Denver to Chicago. Rate in through sleeping cars, Ogden to Chicago', standard, $9. 50; tourist, $4.75. . Foldum and coniiileto Information, freo. Any llylsot mkuiiL can ticket you East via this lino. Ask liilu to' do bo. O. S. WILLIAMS, Commercial Agont, I06 Wost Socond South Stroot, SALT LAKE CITY. ; 'V' ... . - . TciB r)BWBT.TaMWT6AMBWTAAA H Use I Pleasant Grove I FLOUR I " ' - - " - r --... "' H Pleasant 6Me Merc. Co. I I Floasaut Grove. H I Tho oldoHt mul iuohI luliahlo Morciintilu lustitutiuu in this city I I Everything Kept to Supply the Demands M of Country Trade. J H I Full Line of Harvesting and Haying Implements, t H ! I iSee our line and prices on anything you 'M v wttub uuiuru uiii oiaowiioro uu urtiuo. v m I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. X H v 4 JOSEPH E. THORNE I t General Merchandise j 1 I NEVER UNDERSOLD" ! I We solicitjiyouf trade. I I t Pleasant Grove Utah t t t S r QZP s C LHHfTnAD7lVUrmB H ) Salt Lake City's S coPvn"HTa8&o. M J -r f -cr.i.T Anrone.enillngii.kelchiindilncrlrllmniAj JM C Leadinfr HOtel. ? ilelr mrtnln onr ormioii freo wlirtlier " M I - J UntiialrlcllrcniiOdrntlBl. HAN0B00K on I'nlrnU H S I.MttiniM' W 1'1,A C iiiiitr.llilil(ini)Tfiiri:uriiiBjtiil. H AMICUH AN I'l.AN cprdal nollcr, wlllioutcliarx. Intbo M l ,,,,, ...! '"n, iHt.u,o Scientific Htnericmu r PIiiiiim III KviTV ltlKllll. ... C i i..n.nm.i.nin.ir.l.i1 ..klr. Tjirffn.trlr. bbH I I'llOIIO III 1'ivuij iviitmi. ... v Aband.omMrllln.ir.ira wbmit. lAnni rir. bbbbbbbj 'I 1 rulAlltm of nr ntlentlDo l(iurnl. Tfrnn.'JB H ljyv-vvrvyVNS rr i foiirraonttn.il. 8oM bjrmll nwdeler. H " I MUNN&Co.30,BfMd""' New York llr.urh imc. IHt V KL. V.lilDiilon. II. C. H J " jfr- $150.00 I J C3k TAXES I IraU f Jl 1JLb' H - jr Wu collected $150.00 (or Hy rum m Klowuit of Knysvlllo tlio other 1 H jfe diiy tho olitliu wuh 1 yciim old, 1 'H It IflSRw S &" collcutboinu foryou It yon turn H H ' j WSsffll'JfVZr -J&i tliomiii. Christmas Is coining. 1 H I MERCHAfiTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, I SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS, H I Top Floor Commercial Block - - Salt Lnlce City, Utah H ! l'ublishers of Credit Rating Books Francis G Luke. Gen'l Mgr, H I SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." H jpscrik for The Banner I |