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Show Ayers J I ! Tnke cold easily? Throat i tender? Luiirs weak? Any a relatives have consumption? J 1 Then n couh means n great Cherry '1 I Pectoral iH I deal to you lollow your I 1 doctor's advice and take ) H H Ayer's Chtrry Pectoral. It m I heals, strengthens, prevents. 1 fur 4ii trrii t li no li6u Iml nil Arir; j I Olierr. I . i m ' i ' .'" ""''" H R lilinir II i m )t i ninollifh' wik limn; , I I "' M, I Uiinw'N h"" M''1' ! I h "" fin- ''"?" "'"-' Notice. .' " t)io Hulnr lllh Council Meitloy; I ltiiMMBgf!'!!li ' ' leneo Hall, Am? KplkaatP"'"'"1" Saturday, Nov. J, l. i jjl ifa t IBlill a li ce is dcit(.il at Intb Pjgtfitciihcn h. Chlpmin, 3Mliitu8 II. Clnrkel JgrHAbel I Kans, tyjjgkt J Stnko rreslduncy. llriaMi dfsastiiins cataiulty , when on losd jjyplir 'fJth, bfcoiise iiullgcblion and qgitstlpatuiiM hao sapiied it away. , I'toiiimi relief enn be had in Dr. Kine'a jNowfij fills. They build up your dijri'Hlli'ijLiirgiiiiH, and uro headnche, dlyyim'sS.Toflf, constipation, etc. Guar-nntoi'd Guar-nntoi'd aKT J. WinUworth's drug Hloro-; 25i;.w t PITTSBURG SHY ON BIRTHS Smoky city Leads In Race Suicide, According to Figures by City Physician Booth. Pittsburg Fa. A tablo of births nnd deaths In Pittsburg during tho Inst 14 yoarfl, prepared by Dr II A Dooth, city phjHloInn for tho bureau of health, shows a starting decreaBo In the number num-ber of hWhariotwItliBtandlng a largo IncronsoniilJoPtilttlon "The figures show iaco suicide Is a fact," ISA Booth Btld, "and I think moro so In Pltlflhurg than an of tho larger cities, tit Uui country. There Is albo another an-other iqaturo. At tho present advanced ago tnt physlalnna snvo CO per cent, more babies than they did ton years ago The advance made In sclonco hait redticoj tho loss of cases to tho minimum mini-mum Tnklng this into consideration, together with the Increase in popula! Hon nnij siioli a decided deiioaso in the." 'till tli into, It shows that something li radically wrong. President Uoosevelt-ls Uoosevelt-ls rlnliL in Ida thoortes on i ace suicide." In lM thorAVsre 7.007 births, tho rnto aHhmJaaijd elng 28 01 In the saino oar there wttre R RR2 ttnnths, the i ate n tjintisund being 23 Gl Tho tablo Is comi!otO to.tlio Qtul of 1801 which shows H tiorfie In tho birth rate to 21 7t, ntoro than seven per cent Tho death njto Is dm rented from 23 CI to ID 70 froja ll loUOl Th flfures foi the flatt three months, of Hits yenr are surprising in 1MU the excess or births over toths was 1.235 Tho figures for thlB year Indicate that tho oxcos&,ef births h.a been wiped out and thq ondyUnta nro reversed, there being nideeroaso'onFliirtb.H from tho ' death rnte. ' -. r ya"y'PiwWHMWiiiiiliatH3BWfnMrt,yTWnwl),,lWW,Wt;:) t&t!)MttttuwLaii3aiiuuitmammmmitmmemmHmBmmmmmmaimn :H IjrI I 'Ll &ks TIME TO THINK CU1 A IB MEW WINTER OVERCOAT ?& " I aJRpou'l wnH fur lb ini -mm Mionn or dolus piin'liimtng tiiilll tlu J Sr m issil JHlr'"i' 1' l'w d U low fris-uinic. but bu nil oclcol now ami , J ( 4W,i H jmip,l,,'ri1 fottlx M'--t cold Kinip, which i-likcdy lobe heie any X, r A VT W 1 ' sH ',ayl.",,,r-'lH dou'.ta-t. what t.t. It- nml fabrle lo i.elcei, rome H0nCv( IAm. iic CUt rV siH If MICHAELS-STBRN MlWRW I Bf FJ.NE OVERCOATS -iW'M ' WfeM?W' H l2Kglwo-Jiiive in hIiikIo niiil doiiblW-iniMetl iikmIuI of vailoiw U) IlT St' i t$ r$FrKMffln sfl JSlr - 1". '" " l'r ,r,l," ,,r ' '"on" oxeHtwilliiai n ntyle, fabric f JV 'Jit t n VI 'iSmL b"M? 1, M asm'Jtrlcc In suit ici lastc nnd iHirw. AneMiiiiplcS or overcoat U 'iH'f ,77 ' i LH mESTmm sH artn'o. fashion, nl and icmarkabU vhIih-m, come ceo our overcoat ,' fi' , p J MJ'L!''3fffiBl H Wm,-9ir., ?20 and V.J., I, .'m a hint : r-VhY'lw ' U '' JKM H eBS- -- ri qffi i ti' ykWKi MtT B BSon's Overcoats Men's Overcoats -iwr4 lilfo WR5i ' -H My at $15 at $20 Mm M&Mfflfl ! kS?- , Al Ibis pilcojottcanobtioso ylftr ci ;?4 fl?lA A i pilio nlwnjH popular Ktaiul- r,ck overcoat, a medium - IM$ W'WSi H WplWeiiRlli model., iilalli U-tiKlli dotible-btcastctl model, j??A $&&$& rjM-led bn k it j le, iIiikIm or (ir BB,, m-double-bicnstcil - 'A l I Vl&W& i mouble-brea-led, cut Ioiik anil model, cut lonj; and roomy. U'l'KwAtttyi H Mgspmy. ?w a Wer models wi li ()llr VSi ..runout h really .!& iSwfiWal -B m&m collar and broad lapol, womleiftil. lon-ltliTliiir llio ? "$A i WW ilk til i mrhndoofplnid.iiulnilxodchev- , ,le i.sirlimiil of nlylcs nml -? . Cil &j ?LM'iSi H tj, Miiinti-. huxeyrt liml wc.imh, thoexcelletico of llio X ffMfMwstfcH i lOi-fabtbi K-lwtl fr , rials ami tailoring. If T' " ffVWffal --B f tilth iii will as bcatil.x; j ,,,,'11 examine nnd try on tho VWAlKi1fe?4i!Yrll i ly laloicl Horn collar lo uainieiita of jour aire, you'll "il-iHftSfeB ! sss:. ',7,1,J' .,t"ullt.y olliers bo -me lo purohavo olio If t0 - HliQSB ! grtially nik Mh for Is our pricl' limit. W13w8B ! IjUr Men's Overcoats at $25 jtLJS ! RkII'h really rfiirprlsluu whal it miiKiiltti out oveico.it wo Sell nt cH" iSr1 ! HiTi price. A tailor couldn't kUo joii one imooil imderifvlll Wo H l)Tibt whether mi niin Hud tiny lo tsitial ours, rrtuly-to-wir for "Z1VZV, 2."J"LZ?ltL? H than :i'-5U All xljlw hi all ra.hionabloco.itliiKi of lincHt mc IiTimN --! HBiality in the udleclloii, oMtiUlloly lalloivd, curieut In every V. CLOTHING H TOlfiontlelallaiitl, without tloiilit, the blgROdt valuoyini ovorxaw' iw".?" n" r C0" HIH HSctlio money. 'H if Correct Overcoats for rrT 9 ? iF'T?- EpSung Men and Boys, WjfJ W0WT I Bat Economy Prices. fMJPfl!lMJX n -H ssMft4HMMBMSMsaiMaan -M-H-- H tBpi-gMSraiBSjsjssjsg-i111' i i - i - - --. " -i -. -" H -1BC rlwRSiiBi' 4 PHsy iP B ' 9KSi ooooooooooooooooo." H CAiipMiiMliiiritB fa-Ate1-:, , trf S7 id&BlbM&fS.J -s-l i -r j v r (ft x fH V" ' " iH S m I t o " I I feWSAY BARGAINS j I 1 1 NEXT WI0NDAY I 2 C 0 1 0 ,Kf j ffci-FHl W1ERG G0 1 I ooboooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooc! m LsfH |