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Show 5 Hallowe'en Party. Mr. and Mis P. J Tailor gave a iin'tpH1 llolluutfVn p.irly Monday uii inv. Tin- iniisked gutsls iic tuliereil by tlio uiti.li Int i he parlor, uliich w.ts lieKulifiill ikfornliil in aiiluimi loaus mil j-il.i.-liiiilernc. An ihi li jjucei pci-foriind pci-foriind tin ir atitns the iiistling leaves on the IIimi t, lilted one to hmivino lie wcie in I lie nouds. u i:b liofts unit wilt lie. The witch was an excellent inaUi-up; eliu iTiliiinly hiul tlieiippe.ir-iinio tlieiippe.ir-iinio of hnxing livid a century ufo. I'ho liming loom whs deioiated lurid lieitrls hung from the center to the four tumors of the loom. Atitmmi lenses loteud tlie Hour and jiirU-o-lnnti ma iiwi theelicliic lights guu the llnitdiing toiuhes. Aflei miuiiiBMiig the cciiing mih epeiit in guinea and a dainty luiuli iih eciuiI. Tliote ii 1 6i nt woie .Mr. and Mis. Cloo. AiihIIii of ball Lako, Maun and Mia. Iloberli, Mr. and Mis ! II, W. Drown, Mi. and Mis. Abe Uud-luuniteu, Uud-luuniteu, Mr. and Mis. t'.iilry Austin, Mr, and Mrs James Hronn, Mlm .Un-nie .Un-nie llioiuley, Ahee ltobcils, Itttby and Luiuia lliowu, Klhel Taylor, Mabel, oiiihwlnk,VjliiTalji, Miiiuio Smuin anil Mr. Andrew Aurtiu of I lulm |