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Show B To Voters. BBBSr B Next Tuesday will bo election BBB day; tho day on which tho poo- B pie, who aro tho final soveraigim BBB in this country, will determine B who Blmll servo thorn as public BBB ofllcers. BBB This timo the choice will be BBI for city oflicors only. Three BBS tiokets lmvo been placed in the BBfll field from which to choose. BVJ They occur olsowhoro in tliis HHB paper whero the namoa should BBff be carefully rend. H Thero will be a difference of H opinion ns to who should bo B olocted. This diflerenco should B' be Bottled penceably at tho polls B and not allowed to retard the BBf city's progress after oloction BBJ All wo hnYo to sny to tho people H , is that wo hopo they will cousid H r tho wellfaro of tho city mor- B ally,.iutolleotually, and comincr- H dally, thou vote their conviction BBt and abido the result. B Wo trust that no porson ontill- BH od to sufTrago will fail to vote. BBJ Carolessnoss in theso matters BB ofUn begets corruption in tho BH goverumont which, it must bo ro- BB monitored, is nevor better than B the people jnake it. B Voters do your duty. VOTE! |