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Show H j News of the Week, j liny wnntcd at People's Cc-op Win. Witnlnaa wnH n l'rovo visitor Frlilny. A ninrrlau'o llccnso ling been laaned to H Joint Ollchrlat nnd MIm Luelln Whip. pic. Next, m .elphn Gray, who is nttoniling fdiool B ntSnlt I.nke, una viMtlng her parent t'lis week. 1 liert Wall run n maty n ill in It la B (cot Inat Mondny nnd In koI"R nroniul un crutches. IIoiiih rendered Inrd nt Wright's new tnnrkel, l'lcnennt Grovo. It. W. HichnrdHon of Kvnneton, Wyo., B is visiting friends here. The K"eet of H Mrs. Ml Turner. BBS George Klrkhnin returned from Cinr- BBB land Inst Sumliiy, where he hna been BBB working nil summer. BBB Mr. John Cooper, who fell boiiio 30 BBB feet while painting the new school house BBB is nblo to bo about Again. BBB Fifty men wnntcd itt People's Co-op BBB to buy tlio Lest clothing mnde. BBB EMra. Annie Miller rotumed to Cnnndn BBB finturdny, her mother, Martha lSushmnu BBB uccompnuled her as far as Suit Ltilte. BBB Hobort nnd Alec McOmiu nnd Risen H Davie, Htudents ut tho It. Y. U. l'rovo, BBB spent finturdny nnd Httndny nt home. BBB Lot Ilussnn, who wns npcrnted upon BBB some time ngo, is still very ill nnd will BBB hnvc to remnin nt the hospital for tuo BBB or more weeks. B Walter Ilitfgs Is innkiiig n freo diu- BB tributlon of hoiuc-tnndo kidney medl BBB cino, put up by liimiolf. H Wm. K. Whipple hns bought the BBB. house formerly owned by Junius Worl BV ton, where he will iimke his homo for BBB the present. B Ed'wnrdKoittliAliknud Jns. M. ICirk- BBj hnmnttended the funeral of tho tuocliil- BB dron of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fuller held nt B Bprlngvillo Fndny. BH The speakers nt tho Sunday afternoon BBB services were Kngeno 'Mason, Josopli BBB CJ lover, James Peterson, Albert Itono BBB and Joseph Fcntherstono. BBB Alfonso Wilcox lelurned from the BBB Uiutnh rrrorvutlnn a few days ngo. lie BBB brings n rather discouraging report of BBB conditions In thnt locality. B Tho BtudeutH nttouditig It. Y. U BBB Provo, from Alpluo Stnke, ellVcted nn BBB organisation this week. Kohcrt Hvnnc BBB of I.ohi was elected president. BBB A change in the Sunday School Supor- BBB intency occurred Sunday, when Jerome BBB Child resigned nnd G. L. Sloukey wan BBB selected to tnko his place. No iissIhI- BBBJ nnts were selected, H Miss Milissa Guruey is having nu ad. K ditlon built on tho Olavton house n- BBB cently purchased by Levi Phillips, BBB where sho will make her future home. B 'Taint no use to sit down mid whine. H When no fish get tangled in your lino B Unit your hook with a bumble boo, B And keep on taking Hockv Mouulniu B Ten. T. J. Wndsworth's. H Mrs. henry Sorrenson niii children H ofKvnnstsn, Wyo., Is visiting her par- B cuts nnd relative)'. They will move to H Illngham, where her husband is cin- BBt ployed. B Tho speakers nt' tho 2nd ward fiun- H day evening wore Kugeno Mason, who B lenveH Weduesihiy for Holland to do BBr missionary work, and 8. W. Kos?, B Stnku Supt. of Heligion Classes. B The Irionds nnd pations of Miss l'enrl B Davis of Lohi, will bo pleased to know JB that Bho has ncceptcd n position with KV theChipmnn Merc. Co. of Am Fori. B Sho takes charge of the Drees Making B Parlors up-stairH in their large Hed B Store. Mis Davis hns Leuu with some B ol the largest stores in Salt Lake, such B us Walker Hro. and others, and is B iiiiatitied to lit and niako the uicCHl B dresses nnd gowns worn. Givo hern B call; all work guaranteed. t B Tim Exact Thing Required for BBJ Constipation. B "As a certain purgnlive and stomncli H purlllei Cliumberlniii'B Stomach and K Liver TnbU'ls seem to bo ll.o exact B thing lequhed, strong enough for the BB most robust, yet mild enough mid safe K for children and without Hint terrible K griping to common to moot purgatives," H says H, B. Wcbiler & Co., Udorn, H Ontario; Canada. For snlo by II. U. B Merrihuw, Parley Deck rotumed from Mammoth Monday. Don. To Mrp. MatKuiidson, nson, Tucedny, Oct. 1!3. Susie Gntcs of Provo wns visiting with her father this week. All kinds frcah nnd homo cured .mem Wright's new iniat market Plensnut Grovo, Mrs. Cordnlln Clayton of Provo wns visiting with Mrs. It. btnudring nnd others this week. Sadie Wright returned from Weber Monday, where tho hns been visiting for some time. Fresh Salmon nnd Halibut direct from tho const every Thuisdiiy nt People's Co-op. Mrs. W. K. Rncker went ovrr to Provo last night to visit her daughter, Frnncllla, who is attending l lie H Y U. Tho Infant child of W. H. Hutching) died Tueedoy nleht. Tho funeral occurred todny from the ftunlly residence W. L. Fuller, the gentlemnn, who lost his two children in the railroad accident nt Oasis, tho other day, wns in Leht Wednesday. At the M. I. A. meeting Tuesday eve of the 1st wnrd Hobert ltnll wns selected as President of the Y. M. M. I. A. His counselors will be chosen Inter. W. D. Candland, a member of the Stnto Laud Hoard, wns in I.ehl this week, lie wns hcie passing upon some i latins for tokUIng ut ttnto laud west nnd south of Lehi. Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Mary Simpson "Kvcrythlng disagreed with mo nnd bnby until I used Holllster's llocky Mountain Ten. Now baby sleeps mid grows llko a weed," lili cents. Ten or Tabids. T. J. Wndsworth's. A lino meeting was held Sunday night In tho 1st wnrd. The rpenkera wore- G. L. Stookey. Francis Child and 0. N. Child. John Fox mid John Howard Thomas' names were presented to be ordniued Klders. X Olnreiice I3tt wns n Snlt Lake Wsitor todny. if rihur Slrnmt went out to worknt 1'opllir Inst Monday. ' , W. S. Uviiiw nnd Tims. Situs enme in fion-Topllir Inst night. Hallowe'en party was given Tuesday Tues-day night at Chris ICuudcoit's home. Maud Webbcnme homo Friday cien-ing cien-ing from Salt Lake, where sho attends aJmol. lid. Hiilchlng recleved n lejitir from II "ft ' asking him to take n mission nry course tit Prmo. - Howatd Thouins nf Heber Ifns spout the past week with Ills-patents, Mr. mid Mrs. I). W. Thomas. Mrs. Goodspeed returned from Salt Lake Wednesday, She will visit with her mother Mrs. Rachel Drown. . 1). M. Orlfllu fell from n ccn'flold while nt work at the pumps nt tlie hctid of Jordou, and wns quilo badly hurt. Mrs. Frank Jncobs went to Sugar City, Ida., Tuesday, whore her husband hns accepted n position with n Cattle Co. Severn) tennis have beou hnulln'g sand from Lehl to Cedar Fort to bo ued in building tho new meeting house over there. . , At the -lilt ward meeting Sunday night tho spcnkciej wero H.J White of Pleasant Grovo nnd Joseph and Hyium Kirkhnm, John Woodhoiiao received a telephone flout Denver this morning telling of the denth of his brother, Chaa. Woodhotise, of that city. i,V. To night nt tho City Pavilion piity will he given in honor Eugene,, Mason, who leaves Wednesday for n mission to Holland. " Wm. Hathaway hns sold to Kit Ken-dull Ken-dull et nl. the Kaolin, Aluminum, and none-llflh Interest in the Porcelain clay bedsjocattd west of Lvhi. At teachers meeting tf tho -nd ward, held hut nitint, nbotit thirty names were selected nud will he nsked to net as teachers In that ward this winter. ' Andrew Austin of Heber wns in Lehi Tuesday on his way out went. He sajs his company has shipped ovor 125 cars of sheep this year to eastern markets. Mr. mid Mrs. 0. A. Slnde returned homo Monday from Garland, where they have been lor n week or morovisti-ing'wlth morovisti-ing'wlth her sister, Mrs'. Kd. Campbell |