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Show B President Roosevelt's m Trip. H The President of the United BB ' States has just returned from a B" ; trip through several of the South B em States. Everywhere he was BB received with demonstrations H which Indicate his growing popti-BH popti-BH ' larity even in the South, where B the Booker T. Washington lunch- BB eon and certain oflicial nppoint- B ments called forth such bitter feel- B ings some time ago. H The President's roturn trip was B made by water which took him B out of the United States for nearly B four days. During all this time B the party was in communication B with the land by wireles telegra- H phy. B Although our country has B grown to several times its origi- B nul size, Pres. Roosevelt has done what no other President ever did; B he has visited every state, and BS territory in the union during his B term of office. |